CLAS12 Analysis and First Experiment Organization
CLAS12 Analysis and First Experiment Organization Latifa & Jerry January 13, 2017
Recommendations of Common Tools Committee Complete COATJAVA reconstruction and calibration tools. Extend COATJAVA to include event selection. Create this group Guide development of analysis algorithms PID, momentum corrections, background subtraction, fiducial cuts Higher level analysis – kinematic fitting, PWA Standardize the algorithms and software. Create first experiment analysis review committee before the fall run to begin assessing the techniques used in the previous bullet. Get ready for the fall run: develop and run simulations for the experiments in Run Group A, define optimal running conditions, complete development of necessary tools, and define infrastructure to manage the work. Documentation and dissemination.
CLAS12 Data Analysis Scheme CCDB RAW DATA Simulation Calibration MC DATA RECONSTRUCTED DATA Reconstruction DSTs DSTs Event selection CHECK COLORS COATJAVA/CLARA Physics analysis PHYSICS OBSERVABLE 4
CLAS12 First Experiment Organization CLAS Coordinating Committee Physics Working Groups Collaboration Governance Expert Analysis Review Committee First Experiment Coordinator & Contact Person Calibration & Commissioning Group Analysis Coordinator Calibration Team Software & Reconstruction Group Analysis Team Experts First Experiment 5
Expert Analysis Group Membership Ken Hicks Dave Ireland Sebastian Kuhn Silvia Niccolai Eugene Pasyuk Larry Weinstein
To-Do List for Today (The Agenda) Organizational items. Select a chair. Find a day to have regular meetings Report to Collaboration Chair every couple of months. What to do first Make a plan Read/assess recent reviews (SR, ERR, CT) What to do next Divide workload by software/hardware subsystems. Assess software preparations for calibration and analysis for CLAS12. Results from KPP Advice on setting up first experiment analysis review. Interaction with first experiment analysis review.