FDR’s Alphabet Soup
National Bank Holiday and Emergency Banking Act Bank Holiday: All banks close, inspected by government before reopening. Banking Act: Banks received loans to continue operations.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Paid farmers for crops
Civilian Conservation Corporation (CCC) Hire to plant trees, build roads and control floods
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Repaid home-related debt
Homeowner’s Loan Corporation (HLC) Help offset cost of building/buying homes
National Labor Wagner Act Relations Act Allowed unions National Labor Relations Board (NRLB)
National Recovery Administration (NRA) Help business’ recover by encouraging cooperation.
Government care for older, unemployed, disabled adults Social Security Act: Government care for older, unemployed, disabled adults
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): Fixed problems in the Tennessee area, set tone
Works Progress Administration (WPA): Unemployed to work in various fields of interest/need
FDR’s Fireside Chats FDR on radio People Explains laws and plans Defends policies Opens up Presidency to people People Gather around radio in living room Felt like FDR was there Connected to President
Questions Why were FDR’s programs nicknamed Alphabet Soup? How do you think Americans felt about Roosevelt?