NASA’s Curiosity Leads to Some Interesting Discoveries on Mars Close Reading Activity Paired with Sojourner
I Notice / I Wonder
Vocabulary Curiosity Gadgets Engineer Mugearite 4 I can define and use it. I think I can define it/use it. 2 I have seen or/and heard it. I don’t know it.
Vocabulary Defined Curiosity – the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness. Gadget- any ingenious article, a mechanical device Engineer- a person trained and skilled in the design, construction, and use of engines or machines, or in any of various branches of engineering. Mugearite- a rock on Earth found on ocean islands and underwater volcanos.
First Read Think about this! What is the main idea of the passage? The main idea of the passage is________
Main Idea Choices New information was uncovered by a car sized robot Mars has rocks similar to the rocks on Earth. Mars has fierce dust storms. Mars may be more Earth-like than scientist previously imagined.
Answer: What is the central idea? The central/main idea of the passage is that scientist now believe that Mars may be more Earth-like than previously imagined.
Write the answer to the following question: Second Read With a partner, reread paragraphs 2 – 3. Write the answer to the following question: What would explain the water signals picked up by the satellites? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
Second Read Answer The water signals picked up by satellites could be explained by the tiny traces of water that was found in the dust that seems to be covering the entire plant.
Questions for Class Discussion Could this exploration have been possible in the 1970’s?
Write the answer to the following question: Third Read With a different partner, reread paragraphs’ 6-11. Write the answer to the following question: How many ways can you compare/contrast Mars and Earth?
Answer to Third-Read- Question Mars and Earth have a few things in common. First, they are both rocky planets with soil. Both planets have windy atmospheres. I know this because it mentioned how Mars has fierce dust storms and wind is needed for that. Here on Earth, we experience the same thing. Scientists have also determined that there is hydrogen on Mars and water is 2/3 hydrogen. They believe that Mars’ atmosphere has water in it and of course we know that Earth’s does too! Finally, there are many differences; mainly there is no known life on Mars. Earth is abundant with plant and animal life but none of that is on Mars. While it may at one time been a bit more like Earth, currently, it is not.
Discussion Question How much money do you think is spent on these explorations and discoveries?
Independent Writing Assignment Do you think the money being spent on these types of explorations is money “well spent”? Why or why not? Be specific and use evidence from the text to support your opinion. I (do/do not) think that the money the government spends on these types of explorations is well spent because __________________________ … Use proper mechanics: capitals, punctuation, variety of sentences structures etc…
Summarization Activity How does textual evidence help me analyze and infer to make connections?