Summary talk Pierre Lutz Durham Sept.3rd HIGGS Physics Summary talk Pierre Lutz Durham Sept.3rd Durham ECFA meeting
Introduction and Overview Not much done since Paris Only 7 talks (1 rev., 3 th., 2 exp.) First part : short report on these Second part : direction for the coming months (years?) Durham ECFA meeting
CP violation in the Higgs sector Was the focus of first session 3 talks + 1 talk(partly)in 2nd session * Maria Krawczyk (report from CERN meeting) Higgs CP violation and non-standard physics * Ilya Ginzburg : Symmetries of 2HDM, CP violation and possibility of observations * W. Lohmann (for M.T. Dova) : determination of Higgs CP * Filip Zarnecki : basic couplings from WW/ZZ decays at LHC, LC and PLC Durham ECFA meeting
Durham ECFA meeting
M.Krawczyk for the CP-nSH group Exp. and th. on this subject For LHC, LC and PLC First meeting is a real success Next meeting later this year More on Emphasis on that important direction Durham ECFA meeting
Durham ECFA meeting
CP violation in Higgs sector I. Ginzburg studied the general 2HDM Lagrangian in the context of various CP violation scenarii, from soft to hard violation, showing which parameters enter in the game for each scenario. F. Zarnecki presented the last results from a combined analysis of WW/ZZ decays at LHC, LC and PLC. Durham ECFA meeting
Durham ECFA meeting
CP cons. LHC/LC/PLC Durham ECFA meeting
W. Lohmann reported on Durham ECFA meeting
Determination of Higgs CP Binned max likelihood of the 3d distri of the 3 production angles of the Higgstrahlung process 500 inv fb at 350 GeV allow to clearly distinguish between a pure CP even or a mixture Durham ECFA meeting
Where to go now ? (1) Up to now th. and pheno. : lot of efforts, espec. towards Higgs sector beyond SM exp. : lot of feasibility studies, by very small groups, with usually simplified simulations and tools, on rather limited statistics, and with no or too small feedback on detector performance. Durham ECFA meeting
Where to go now ? (2) We should now concentrate on : More complete analyses * full sim, with realistic gene and detectors this probably need large repository for data * improved tools (particle/jet/boson ID, kin. fits, etc..) On a few benchmark channels Durham ECFA meeting
Where to go now ? (3) We already made this pledge, without big success ! We propose to set-up (please sign) an international team with these ideas in mind, and take as our favorite benchmark the Higgs self-couplings (triple Higgs vertex) Durham ECFA meeting