Media and Media Theory
What is Media? Media – the main avenues for collective communication. Information intended for a wide audience. Primary Functions: Common – Carrying – serves as an avenue between society and individuals to transport culture and education. Agenda – Setting – determines the “worthiness” of a piece of information for public scrutiny. Public Representation – Holds society structures responsible to the will of individuals.
Types of Media Falls into three large categories: Print Media Advertising Visual Art Written Arts The Internet Social Media Broadcast Media Radio Television Music Film
What is Criticism? New Criticism – a formalist movement in literary theory that emphasizes close reading, to discover how a work of art functions as a self-contained, self-referential aesthetic object. Deals heavily with the structure of a work and its meaning because analyzed simultaneously instead of separately. Does not consider the author’s intention or historical context. Simply: How well does the information function as a piece of free-standing art?
Popular Media Effects Theories Media Effects – explores the consequences of information exposure to large swaths of a population. Cultivation Theory Social Action Theory Agenda – Setting Theory Media Dependency Theory
Cultivation Theory Central Claim: Persistent long term exposure to TV content has small but measurable effects on the perceptual worlds of audience members. Simply: Over-exposure to mass-communication “may” influence an individual’s real world belief.
Social Action Theory Central Claim: Media audiences participate actively in mediated communication; they construct meanings from the content they perceive. Considers the intention of the media creator, examines the media content, identifies possible interpretations, and assesses the possible effects on receivers (audience). Simply: Media can prompt predictable responses in its audience. There is always an effect to the cause of media.
Agenda –Setting Theory Central Claim: Media can create particular interest or emphasis on one issue over others. Considers priming - “a psychological process whereby media emphasis on particular issues not only increases the salience of those issues, but also activates in people’s memories previously acquired information about those issues.” Simply: Media can call attention to some aspects of reality while obscuring others.
Media Dependency Theory Central Claim: Audiences depend on media information to meet needs and reach goals. Media can create needs, interests, and motives within an audience. Considers whether the media our friend or foe. Simply: What information could we not go without? Which forms of media influence us most?