Welcome to Back to School Night
How many of your children have gone through kindergarten? Parent Profiles How many of your children have gone through kindergarten? This is my first! (Take a deep breath!) I survived one…it’s my second! I’m a veteran…this is my third (or more).
All About Me
What We Do (Most Days) Check In and Unpack Meeting/Calendar Handwriting Math Letter Work/Kid Writing Centers Snack and Recess Story Time
Meeting and Calendar Morning Meeting Calendar Routine Flag Salute Review Rules Greeting Message Sharing Activity Calendar Weather Number of the Day Graph of the Week Today’s Goals
Math We use the Math in Focus/ Singapore Math Program. The math skills we work on in Kindergarten include: Addition and subtraction 1 to 1 correspondence and counting Number identification and number writing Problem Solving Graphing and data analysis Place Value
Language Arts Houghton Mifflin Journeys Reading Program Read alouds to develop comprehension Phonemic Awareness Letter Identification and Phonics Sight Words Word Families (-at, -an, -it) and Rhyming Guided Reading using leveled readers in small groups Handwriting Without Tears Kid Writing Poetry
Snack Remember a water bottle No juice please and 1 small snack is perfect
Choices Ipads Art Play Doh Writing ABC Fun Listening Book Nook Science Construction Play Doh ABC Fun Book Nook Math Puzzles
Other Subjects Environmental Science (a.k.a. Trees) The Five Senses and The Seasons Social Studies (Native Americans) Library Gym
Personality of the Week Calendar Coming Soon!!
Report Cards Conferences: November and March Report Cards: (based on PA Common Core Standards) Here are examples from the Report Card: General Skills Language Arts * Math Writes first name (capital first, rest lowercase) Identifies capital & lower case letters Know number names and write and recite the count sequence to 5 States Birthday Identifies beginning and ending sounds in words Know number names and write and recite the count sequence to 10 Address and phone number Identifies and extends rhymes Apply one to one correspondence to count the number of objects in a set Listening & Speaking Skills Handwriting Describe and compare attributes of everyday objects Characteristics of Successful Learners Writing: Understands letter/sound relationships, correctly spells high frequency words, writes simple sentences Count 1 to 10, write the numerals for the numbers and find one more or one less * We will also assess blending, high frequency words, story elements, writing last names, and conventions of writing by June.
Volunteers Needed! Ways to help: Work at home (cutting, gluing, tracing, etc.) Centers: Please email the times and days that you are available If you haven’t already, please submit your clearances to the school secretary. Thank You!
The best ways to reach me are: Keep in Touch! The best ways to reach me are: Email me at dwilson@havsd.net Leave a note in your child’s notebook Leave me a voicemail 610-853-5900 x4148 If your child’s dismissal plans change or there is an emergency, call the school directly at 610-853-5900 x4000
Thanks for coming! Any questions for the common good? I’ll see you in November for our first conference! Remember to Sign Up on www.signupgenius.com