Vocabulary Unit 12! Wooo Hoooooo! Please prepare to have your minds blown with new vocabulary words you can use to impress your family and friends! Unit 12, page 131
The young man abjured his allegiance to the gang and decided to join the straight life.
Abjure –(v) to renounce (take back) synonym= to retract
The acrid stench of a fire stays in the air long after the flames have been extinguished.
Acrid – (adj) harsh in taste or sound synonym= irritating Rebecca Black’s song “ Friday” sounds acrid!
The august faces of four of America’s greatest presidents are carved on Mount Rushmore.
august – (adj) inspiring admiration and respect synonym=dignified Mufasa from the Lion King is august!
Some people are so wrapped up in their own concerns, they seem callous to the concerns of others.
Callous – (adj.) unfeeling synonym= insensitive Cruella De Vil may be described as a callous character. Cruella De Vil may be described as a callous character.
Clandestine government operations take place at Area 51 in Nevada.
Clandestine –(adj.) secret synonym= concealed During the early stages of the American Revolution there were clandestine printing presses printing anti British propaganda.
The bully felt no compunction about beating up the kid.
Compunction –(N) regret synonym= remorse Alex showed compunction after breaking his mom’s favorite dish, but Fido here probably won’t show any compunction after stealing those burgers!!
The conflagration destroyed the Station nightclub and killed many people.
Conflagration – (n)a large destructive fire synonym=holocaust, wildfire
Most Keefe Tech students feel elated on the last day of school!
Elated – (adj) in high spirits Synonym=overjoyed Elated – (adj) in high spirits Synonym=overjoyed!! This song, while acrid, attempts to emit a feeling of elation.
For most people, the sight of an owl with its wings outstretched, swooping silently down on its prey is an indelible experience.
Indelible – (adj) memorable synonym=permanent These images represent indelible events in America’s history.
Some seniors at Keefe Tech wish the school were more indulgent and would give them senior privileges. For example, seniors would like the school to allow them to bring coffee to school in the morning.
Indulgent – (adj)giving in to the wishes of others synonym=lenient, not strict Some parents are too indulgent and give their kids too much.
An inveterate smoker might find it hard to have the self-discipline to kick the habit.
Inveterate – (adj.)habitual synonym=firmly established It’s hard to believe an inveterate liar.
Rhino’s irrelevant comment interrupted the lesson. What’s for lunch today??
Irrelevant – (adj) not having to do with the subject at hand synonym= not to the point Jon, I like your hair. Who cuts it? I can’t believe we get to sleep late this week. What time does school start on Tuesday?
Most nocturnal creatures have keen eyesight and acute hearing.
Nocturnal – (adj.) occurring in the nighttime synonym=nighttime Bats and owls are considered nocturnal.
Many Hallmark birthday greeting cards are full of platitudes like “You’re so special.”
Platitude – (n.) overused remark synonym= cliche Can you think of at least two other common platitudes?
Riot police were sent to quell some of the Occupy Protestors around the country.
Quell – (v) to put down forcibly synonym=to suppress, to pacify With this song, The Supremes are trying to quell their heartbreak.
Although some volcanoes are believed to be extinct, many are merely quiescent.
Quiescent – (adj) inactive synonym= at rest, still This view may be described as both placid and quiescent.
With only two months of school left, many seniors may be ruminating on their future.
Ruminate – (v)to think about at length synonym= to ponder
The neighbors had a tacit understanding that they would help each other in an emergency.
Tacit – (adj) unspoken synonym= silent but understood I think we are all in tacit agreement that these are bad ideas.
The jury wanted to see tangible evidence that the accused had committed the crime.
Tangible – (adj) capable of being touched synonym= real, concrete Time travel is an interesting theory, but it is not a tangible experience.
The trenchant lyrics, melody and sound of music allures many teens.
Trenchant – forceful Synonym= effective Shakespeare’s plays are a trenchant part of English Language Arts classes. Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Hamlet