Counseling Interviews I. Handling problems II. Goals for the interview Correct Behavior Add value to organization III.Principles in counseling Remember you are investing in the person Recognize that people change Start with accepting the individual Measure effectiveness in the long-run Remember this is a process (not 1 shot deal) 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview
IV. Approaches to counseling Johari Window Known to Others Not Known Open Known to Self Hidden Unknown Blind Not Known 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview
IV. Approaches to counseling (cont’d) A. Directive 1. Assumptions 2. Situations 3. Risks B. Nondirective 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview
V. The Communication Cube 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview
VI. Special considerations Decision points Examine role of responsibility Arrange setting appropriately 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview
VII. Interview Orientation Be specific about the problem Explore perceptions Focus on the problem not the person Discuss why change is needed Develop action plans Make follow-up provisions Think about the need for records 11/17/2018 Theories of the Interview