Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccinations, by unit affiliation. Pneumococcal pneumonia vaccinations, by unit affiliation. Dialysis patients initiating therapy at least 90 d before the start of the period/yr and alive on the last day of the period/yr; vaccinations tracked during entire period/yr. Patients with Medicare inpatient and outpatient and physician/supplier primary payer coverage during entire period. DCI, Dialysis Clinics, Inc.; DV, DaVita; F, Fresenius; G, DaVita/Gambro (Gambro units were purchased by DaVita in October 2005); Ind, independent units; HB, hospital-based units; NNA, National Nephrology Associates; RCG, Renal Care Group (RCG units were purchased by DaVita in 2006). Allan J. Collins et al. CJASN 2009;4:S5-S11 ©2009 by American Society of Nephrology