from In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall Feature Menu Introducing the Selection Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Writing Skills Focus: Preparing for Timed Writing
from In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall Are humans and animals all that different?
from In the Shadow of Man Introducing the Selection In an African forest, scientist Jane Goodall observed a group of chimpanzees and made some surprising discoveries.
from In the Shadow of Man Introducing the Selection Human beings share certain behaviors with animals. Why is that fact so significant to us? [End of Section]
What’s the writer’s central point in this article? from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details The main idea is the central idea of a paragraph, an essay, or an article. What’s the writer’s central point in this article?
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Sometimes you can find the main idea in a topic sentence, which states the point of the paragraph, essay, or article. Read the following paragraph from In the Shadow of Man. What is its topic sentence? Most exciting of all, on several occasions they picked small leafy twigs and prepared them for use by stripping off the leaves. This was the first recorded example of a wild animal not merely using an object as a tool, but actually modifying an object and thus showing the crude beginnings of toolmaking. Most exciting of all, on several occasions they picked small leafy twigs and prepared them for use by stripping off the leaves. This was the first recorded example of a wild animal not merely using an object as a tool, but actually modifying an object and thus showing the crude beginnings of toolmaking. From "First Observations" from In the Shadow of Man by Jane Goodall. Copyright © 1971 by Hugo and Jane van Lawick-Goodall. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of Houghton Mifflin Company and electronic format by permission of Soko Publications c/o G. T. E. Parsons, Esquire.
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details A main idea might be implied or hinted at, instead of stated in a topic sentence. You may have to analyze the writer’s supporting details for clues to the main idea. MAIN IDEA examples facts anecdotes quotations statistics
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Good writers use specific details to support their main idea. Look for examples, facts, anecdotes, quotations, and statistics. MAIN IDEA examples facts anecdotes quotations statistics 8
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details You will often be asked to write about a topic after reading material from several sources. You will need to synthesize, or combine the knowledge and impressions from several sources. Before you synthesize, you must analyze the central ideas and details of each source.
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Use these tips for finding the main idea and supporting details: 1. Read the title. What clues does the title provide? Your pet is thinking something. The main idea may be that animals are capable of some level of thought. 10
Is the main idea stated in the first few paragraphs? from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Use these tips for finding the main idea and supporting details: 2. Skim the introduction. Is the main idea stated in the first few paragraphs? What might it be? Often, writers also give an overview of some of the details they will use to support the main idea.
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Use these tips for finding the main idea and supporting details: 3. Read the final paragraph. Writers often restate the main idea of the text in the conclusion to an article or essay. [End of Section]
from In the Shadow of Man Informational Text Focus: Synthesizing Sources: Main Idea and Supporting Details Into Action: Use a concept map to help you identify the main idea and supporting details. Main Idea Supporting Detail Supporting Detail Supporting Detail [End of Section]
from In the Shadow of Man Writing Focus: Think as a Reader/Writer Preparing for Timed Writing As you read, note key sentences in which the writer sums up a major point. Paraphrase, or restate the major points in your own words. Look also for examples, facts, anecdotes, quotations, and statistics that support the main idea. [End of Section]
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary devoid adj.: completely missing; lacking. belligerent adj.: warlike; fond of fighting.
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary When you think of the word devoid, what other words come to mind? Word: Definition: Image: Sentence: adj.: completely missing; lacking. devoid Examples: barren without empty After midnight, the streets were devoid of people. vacant bereft
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary Which of these men appears to be devoid of cash?
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary Which of these men appears to be devoid of cash? What do you when you’re devoid of money?
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary Belligerent is the opposite of friendly. Belligerent means warlike or quarrelsome—ready to fight. Describe a situation in which you’ve encountered a belligerent person.
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary The belligerent reporter ________________ knocked down the celebrity as she ran for her limo. politely requested an interview. stood quietly to one side as the celebrity passed.
from In the Shadow of Man Vocabulary The belligerent reporter ________________ knocked down the celebrity as she ran for her limo. politely requested an interview. stood quietly to one side as the celebrity passed. [End of Section]
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