Bacterial Transformation 2007-2008
Biotechnology today Genetic Engineering Electrophoresis Recombinant Technology Polymerase Chain Reaction Transgenics/GMO’s Cloning
Recombinant Technology rDNA is DNA with 2 or more sources Bacteria are used to copy DNA and make desired proteins Identify gene of interest and cut it out _____________________________ insert plasmid into bacteria ____________________________________ bacteria can express new gene or make copies of inserted DNA
Restriction Enzymes – Cut the DNA! evolved in bacteria to cut up foreign DNA from viruses Molecular scissors that cut between specific bases -______________are where the enzyme cut allow for joining with another piece of DNA cut with the same enzyme
Recombinant tech. Transformation Insert_______________plasmid into bacteria grow recombinant bacteria in agar cultures bacteria make lots of copies of plasmid ______________________________ production of many copies of inserted gene production of “new” protein transformed phenotype DNA RNA protein trait
insert “gene we want” into plasmid... “glue” together Recombinant Plasmid ________________________________________ cut DNA gene we want like what? …insulin …HGH …lactase cut plasmid DNA Cut DNA? DNA scissors? ligase insert “gene we want” into plasmid... “glue” together recombinant plasmid
Transgenics – __________________________ __________________________________ enabling plants to produce new proteins Protect crops from insects: BT corn corn produces a bacterial toxin that kills corn borer (caterpillar pest of corn) Extend growing season: fishberries strawberries with an anti-freezing gene from flounder Improve quality of food: golden rice rice producing vitamin A improves nutritional value
Transformed vertebrates Green with envy?? Jelly fish “GFP” Transformed vertebrates
Clone ____________________________________________________________________
Cloning Process The nucleus from a _________ (body) cell is harvested An ________ is harvested and the nucleus of the egg is removed _________________________________________________________________________________ An electric shock causes the cell to replicate _______________________________________________________________