Australian National WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (N-Wip-au) Bureau of Meteorology Australian National WIGOS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (N-Wip-au)
WMO Integrated Global Observing System What is WIGOS? WMO Integrated Global Observing System A framework for integrating WMO observing systems and contributions to co-sponsored observing systems … for planning, operating and delivering observations to meet user needs, to enable more efficient and effective service delivery. WIGOS includes observing components of: Global Observing System (WWW/GOS) Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) WMO Hydrological Observing Systems (WHOS) Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Australia to be WIGOS ready: Data quality monitoring – regional/ national process in place WIGOS station ids – 1000 million ids per country/org WIGOS Metadata – station and observation metadata available globally OSCAR – User requirements and space/surface capabilities. Embracing all NMHS-operated observing systems and willing partners 2
A few key WIGOS principles Design observing systems to meet specific requirements Requires structured inventory of requirements and existing and planned capabilities Design observing systems with a view toward synergies between different application areas Do not install separate systems for weather and climate measuring of e.g. atmospheric temperature One observation, many applications, many users Space- and surface-based observing networks seen together as one integrated system Complementary capabilities, designed based on information about what the other component can/will provide
What do we mean by Integration? Integrated network design, e.g. across national borders: Radar and lightning detection networks Radiosonde networks designed together with those of neighboring countries Integration across disciplines: Multi-purpose networks No separate networks for application areas that rely on measurements of the same variables, e.g. weather and climate Integration across organizational boundaries: Take advantage of other organizations outside the NMHS that operated observing systems; partner with them where possible
What do we mean by Integration? (II) Integration across technological boundaries; space- and surface-based observing system as one Space-based components provide excellent spatial and temporal coverage Ground-based components provide fine-scaled structure, in situ validation and can provide measurements not possible from space Integration across different levels of performance; concept of tiered networks can include e.g. Crowd-sourced data, IoT observations (massive amounts of data, poor or unknown quality) Standard networks; routine, operational quality data Reference networks with data traceable to SI standards (fewer data, very high quality)
WIP #1 Management of WIGOS Implementation Done Combine all Bureau observing networks under a single Executive Manager Developing Formalise National WIGOS plan for Australia Coordination with other agencies which contribute environmental observations to WIGOS Example: Establish an Australian Ocean Observing Partnership (AOOP)
WIP #2 Collaboration with WMO & co-sponsored observing systems Done Relationships exist with: Geoscience Australia Integrated Marine Observing System Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Western Australia Jurisdictions involved in river flow (flood) monitoring Third party policy Developing Develop a generic third party data ingestion process
WIP #3 Design planning & optimised evolution of WIGOS component systems Done Develop an over-arching Observing System Strategy Strategic Roadmap Integration Team Developing Update Strategic Studies Integrated evolution of systems (using EGOS-IP, Vision 2025) Optimise network design using OSCAR Transition to Regional Basic Observing Network (RBON) Identify gaps in observation networks across the WIGOS spectrum. Transition to Regional Basic Observing Network (RBON) Extract national opportunities from EGOS-IP. Include all stations in OSCAR Surface
WIP #4 Integrated Observing System Operation & Maintenance Developing Realigning staff to Activity Hubs Tiered networks for surface observations network Example: Flood Warning Network Infrastructure Strategy Done Development of the National Observing Operations management structure Integrate Flood Warning capacity into National Observing Operations Asset Lifecycle management – Radar, Upper Air Composite/ integrated management of Observing Systems Asset lifecycle management Facilitate sharing of expertise between component systems Plan joint activities for field support
WIP #5 Integrated Quality Management Done Observations Change Request process active Data Quality Management Unit integrated into National Observing Operations Developing Observations Dashboard BNOC Observing Monitoring Desk Integrated RA V WIGOS Data Monitoring system Develop feedback mechanisms into national observations systems Develop feedback mechanisms into national observations systems Record keeping of incidents and responses Real-time monitoring across all Systems of quality and availability
WIP #6 Standardisation, system interoperability, & data compatibility Done Third party policy developed Developing Observations Information Systems & Services roadmap Implement WIGOS Station Identifiers Underpinning ICT to support 3ed party Data standards for third party providers Integration of selected observations from the Weather Observations Website into operational systems Perform national self-audit to WIGOS regulations and standards Facilitate standardisation of metadata across government agencies
WIP #7 WIGOS Operational Information Resource Done Integrated Sites and Observations Database (SitesDb) Next Generation Hydrological Forecasting System (HyFS) National Environmental Information Infrastructure viewer (NEII) Developing SitesDb alignment to WMDS and OSCAR/Surface metadata fields Machine-to-machine (M2M) metadata exchange between SitesDb and OSCAR/Surface WIGOS Metadata Standard Update OSCAR Surface with information on all networks and partner organisations Include information from government agencies in OSCAR Requirements
WIP #8 Data Discovery, Access & Retrieval Done WMO Information System implemented Melbourne GISC Developing WIS & WMDS linkage ICT Tiered Roadmap Develop automated (machine to machine) transfer of data and metadata Facilitate issuing of Station IDs (WIGOS Ids) to WIGOS stations in partner organisations WIS development WIGOS Metadata – update current system to be compliant Develop automated (machine to machine) transfer of data and metadata Facilitate issuing of Station IDs to WIGOS stations in partner organisations GISC Global Information System Centres WMDS WIGOS Metadata Standard
WIP #9 Capacity Development Done Competency framework for all field staff (engineering and observing) Training program for staff in Activity Hubs Developing Technical Expert Advisory Group – Radars First meeting scheduled for late January 2017
WIP #10 Communications & Outreach Done Selected third party data providers Engage with RA V through WG-INFR Weather Observations Website Developing Plan, presentations, workshop, Executive briefings Report on WMO Regulatory Material compliance to Bureau Exec Capacity development across government agencies Align to WMO Capacity Development Strategy Capacity development across government agencies Align to WMO Capacity Development Strategy Communication with partner organisations Presentations at appropriate forums
Australia: National WIGOS Plan To facilitate and support the operation of WIGOS Implement Observing System Strategy New workforce management framework Asset Life-cycle plans Data Life-cycle plan To ensure supply of and access to WIGOS observations Observations Monitoring Dashboard Metadata standardisation across OS To oversee, guide and coordinate WIGOS Take a leading role in strengthening collaboration with relevant national bodies Policy and procedures for third party observations To plan, implement and evolve WIGOS component systems All national observations systems incorporated into OSCAR/Surface WIGOS identifiers available for all component observations systems The four summary statements from each side of the GOS picture are used as headings. Strengthen collaboration with national bodies - Focus on easy partners first. - IMOS, GA All national observations incorporated into OSCAR/Surface Including data from third party orgs, IMOS, Ports (sea level), GPS WIGOS identifiers available for all component systems - Exchange of external/third party datasets facilitated through provision of WIGOS station/platform identifiers. Implement Observing System Strategy 5 areas: People; Services; Network Management; Systems and Tools; Technology Asset Life-cycle plans Radar completed; Upper Air systems, AWS, Field Offices is in progress. Observations Monitoring Dashboard Provide integrated monitoring across all observations systems Metadata Standardisation across observing systems - Based on the new WIGOS Metadata Standard.
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