Welcome to PLAN Training PLAN Test Date: October 6, 2014 Please fill out your October Testing Raffle card. By PresenterMedia.com
General Information Initial Test Date: Monday, October 6th Make-ups can happen from October 6th – 15th! Pay attention to emails. For 10th graders only Serves as a midpoint assessment of academic progress toward college and career readiness when used with EXPLORE (8th grade) and ACT (11th grade); designed to help 10th graders make decisions about their future 4 Sections: English, math, reading, science Testing Time: approximately 3 ½ hours The Test Administrator (Room Supervisor) must not be a relative/guardian of any student testing in his/her assigned room.
Score Scales Relationship 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 EXPLORE 8th Grade PLAN 10th grade ACT 11th grade 36 32 25 English Math Reading Science Writing The ACT in its present format was introduced in 1989 on a scale of 1-36. Plan was introduced in 1987 on a scale of 1-32. EXPLORE became fully operational in the early 1990s on a scale of 1-25. We can predict a Composite ACT score range from PLAN. We can predict a Composite PLAN score range from EXPLORE Benchmark scores are early indicators of college success. 3
Before the Test Attend Testing Code of Ethics training and sign the required affidavit Attend PLAN training – TODAY! Access the Supervisor’s Manual (Raynor will email the link) Prepare your testing location: Do you have a working clock that can be seen by all students? Do you have a working pencil sharpener? Are the desks all turned in the same direction? Can you fit all of your homeroom students? Have all content and test-related posters been covered? Is there an open slot in the window of your door? Speak with your 10th grade students and encourage 95% attendance. PLAN is a part of our accountability.
Before Testing: Morning Check-Out 6:45 am Pick Up Time All pick-up/drop-off of materials will take place in the Media Center. Brief Testing Session and Sign-In for everyone involved!!! You will be required to count all materials, so come early! 6:45 - 7:00 am Check Your Rosters Accommodations = Know what students must receive and where they must go (see the next slide for more info) 7:15 am Everyone reports to 1st period. All 1st period teachers will use the Google homeroom document to notify students of where to go during testing. 7:30 am Everyone reports to Homeroom Follow Checklist for Checking In Students Proctors: Report to Test Location By 8:00 am Begin Testing!!!
What’s in Your Bin Retrieve your bin during morning check-out in the Media Center Labeled with Homeroom teacher’s name Roster CHECKLIST to follow closely Administrator’s manual to read instructions verbatim Test books Answer sheets Pencils Plastic bags Accommodation Materials (if applicable) White envelopes Testing sign for your door PLAN Section Timing Chart
Test Day: Admitting Students 2012 PSAE Test Administration Training Test Day: Admitting Students Collect electronics at the door using white envelopes Identify and admit students Utilize roster to confirm students Direct students to seats Alphabetical (Left / right and front / back) No late arrivals No cell phones or other electronic devices Other than permitted calculators, students are not allowed to have in their possession or to use a cell phone or any other electronic device at any time during testing, including breaks. Automatic Misadministration Staff should DIRECT students to seats. -Alphabetical order or --left / right for instance. This is a good place for the room supervisor and proctor to work together These procedures prevent friends from sitting together, which creates temptations. No Late Arrivals: Absolutely no one may be admitted to the test room after test booklets have been distributed. Schedule any late-comers for the makeup session. . Students are not allowed to have cell phones or other electronic devices in the testing room
MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE NORTH CAROLINA TESTING CODE OF ETHICS! During Testing MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW THE NORTH CAROLINA TESTING CODE OF ETHICS! Secure test questions and instruction cannot be provided on test day. Be sure to follow the directions in the manual. Follow your highlighting we will do today. Only the test administrator can read test directions. Proctors can help distribute materials. Actively monitor the entire classroom. Be sure no students are working on other sections of the test; be sure students are aligning answer with questions. If a student needs to use the restroom, the hall monitor can escort him/her. Only send one at a time. Administrators and proctors should not cause distractions, read books, grade papers, use computers or cell phones, etc. Do not entertain students who refuse to test. Simply alert a hall monitor to have him/her removed. Collect his/her test materials, but do not disturb others.
Special Circumstances on Rosters accommodations LATE START rooms All teachers should check their rosters. Some students have an IEP and is eligible for accommodations. Have your proctor escort those students to the locations listed ASAP. Do not send test materials. They are already in the designated rooms. When students arrive, we need to locate their materials. Use the homeroom list on Google to find these students’ original testing locations. Have the proctor retrieve the test materials. Read instructions in the hallway if needed. Start students as they enter. Relocating rooms We have whole classes moving. You either have a list or received an email about these students. Once students have arrived to you, move as a class. Do not just post a sign. Make the move around 7:25 a.m.
Calculators DO NOT OFFER STUDENTS CALCULATORS! REMEMBER THE RULE: OFFER ONE…OFFER ALL Scientific or graphic calculators & four-function calculators are permitted! TI-89s and 92s are prohibited!
Testing Staff Qualifications Qualifications – for all positions Proficient in English Experienced in testing and measurement A staff member of the school district Not a relative or guardian of an examinee in their assigned room Not a private consultant or individual tutor of any examinee in their assigned room Test Supervisor (Testing Coordinator) Test supervisor should not be a relative or guardian of any examinee (At the school where they are the Supervisor). Room Supervisor (Test Administrator) Must not be a relative or guardian of any examinee in the supervisor’s assigned room. Proctor (Required for 26 or more students) Must not be a relative or guardian of any examinee in the assigned room.
Room Supervisor Duties Read and understand the Supervisor’s Manual Attend training and briefing session at school Serve in one room during entire session Identify and admit each student into the testing room Direct students to specific, assigned seats Account for test materials before, during and after testing Read test instructions Time each test accurately Monitor students and materials at all times Complete all required documentation
Proctor Duties May be used in testing rooms with 10 or more students Required in testing rooms with 26 or more students Read and understand the Supervisor’s Manual Attend training and briefing session at school Help to admit and direct students to seats Verify the timing of the test Monitor students Report any irregularities to the room supervisor Help collect and account for all test materials
Check Out the Manual Online Before Test Day Check Out the Manual Online Before Test Day!!! Follow the PLAN Checklist to help you the morning of testing!!! Key Points: 1 day administration Follow Option 3 2 Breaks
PLAN Timing Student Information Section 60-75 minutes Break for 5 Minutes Test 1 English 30 minutes Test 2 Mathematics 40 minutes Test 3 Reading 20 minutes Test 4 Science 25 minutes General Administration 15 minutes Total Time 205 minutes Students Must Complete All Sections Tests must be given in the order listed Staff should report at least 30 minutes before examinees are instructed to report. Testing can begin as soon as students who reported on time are seated -- do not allow any students to enter the test room after test booklets have been distributed. The 10 minute break after the Mathematics exam is optional Timing is done by the individual room supervisor in each room allowing the opportunity to respond to questions/problems. (EMPHASIZE) Full time must be given for each test. Do not move on to next test even though all students are done early--standardized testing requires all students be given entire time allowed. Testing should be completed in approximately 2.5 hours after it begins. Test day schedule for student’s testing with accommodations will vary depending on the accommodation granted and the timing code authorized. 15
During Testing Read the following examples of testing irregularities. If any of the following happens, ask students to close their test booklets and stop working. Mark the time. Alert the hall monitor that you need Ms. Raynor. If needed, complete the form on page 73 of your testing manual. A student leaves the room or becomes ill during testing A students fails to follow directions A student exhibits behavior that disrupts others A student is observed reading ahead A test is mistimed A disturbance occurs that could affect students’ scores A student questions the validity or accuracy of an item Defective test booklets or answer folders Cell phone use or ringing in test session Other prohibited behaviors on pages 19 – 21 of your manual
Follow the PLAN Checklist!!! After Testing Follow the PLAN Checklist!!! For Accommodation Sites, mark the one accommodation code on the back of the answer folder that best describes the accommodation provided. Drop off location is Media Center. Only the test administrator can return materials. Proctors should stay in the classrooms until test administrator returns.
Accommodations Information Drop-Off is in Media Center Teachers should check the roster for students who need to be sent for accommodations. Do not send test materials! Read Aloud will take place with a Reader’s script and/or audio CD’s and headphones. Follow directions for the Student Information Section, and then proceed by allowing students to use the audio CD’s. Monitor the rooms very closely. Accommodation Codes are in the manual. Use them to mark students’ answer sheets. Time Change for Audio DVD Test 1: 120 min. Test 2: 90 min. Test 3: 90 min. Test 4: 90 min. Accommodations Information Drop-Off is in Media Center
Both the Proctor and Room Supervisor/Test Administrator must follow the North Carolina Testing Code of Ethics. Any questions???