Getting ready for the Nova High School Science Fair
Follow the Intel ISEF 2009 Student Handbook! Thoroughly read and understand the Intel ISEF 2009 Student Handbook. This will be your guide and tell you how to Choose a topic Research your topic Organize Set time limits Plan your experiment Fill out the correct forms Conduct your experiment Analyze your results Draw your conclusions
Project Data Book You must have a composition book which will be your journal that you write in everyday you work on your project It must be in black ink It doesn’t have to be neat It must have a date associated with each entry It must NOT be done the day before the project is due. This should be an ongoing record of your project
Your Research Paper It must be typed! It must contain the following information Title Page and Table of Contents Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Acknowledgements References/Bibliography
Your Research Paper You will receive a grading rubric/check list for your research paper. Follow this rubric when writing your research paper and you will be on the right track and get a good grade Remember, the research paper must be typed and professional looking
Abstract After your research is complete and you have written your research paper, you must write an “abstract” An abstract is a maximum of 250 words on one page that includes: Purpose of the experiment Procedures used Data and Conclusions
A Visual Display You will receive detailed information about your display board soon You will receive a judging rubric for your display and research soon
Helpful Hints Project must reflect current year’s research (meaning you can’t continue or redo your middle school project) Good Title Take lots of Photographs – credit must be given to all photographs Be organized Have an eye-catching display board Correctly present your material to the judges
Important Dates To Remember Steps 1-5 in the Intel ISEF 2009 Student Handbook as well as a blank/new composition book is due – 10/19 (A Day) or 10/20 (B Day) Step 1: pick your topic Step 2: research your topic (minimum of 5 sources…not wikipedia) Step 3: organize Step 4: time table Step 5: plan your experiment Blank composition book
Important Dates To Remember Steps 1-5 should be typed (should be 3-5 pages – not including your sources page), double spaced, 12-font) and turned into me (Mrs. Andre) as well as showing your blank composition book on 10/19 (A Day) or 10/20 (B Day)
Important Dates To Remember Forms for step 6 (fill out your forms correctly) will be due in class (once steps 1-5 are turned in I will give you the forms to complete) on 10/19 (A Day) or 10/20 (B Day) I will review this and it will be the time I decide if you can proceed with your experiment.
Important Dates To Remember Steps 7-9 as well as a rough draft of your research paper and your completed Project Data Book are due on 11/30 (A day) or 12/01 (B Day)
Important Dates to Remember Your Final Research Paper and your Abstract are due on 12/14 (A Day) or 12/15 (B Day). Your Display Board (ALL classs) is due in the Media Center on the morning of 1/4 (A Day) – before school starts.
Special Notes You MUST turn in your assignments by the due date! If you cannot turn it in on the due date, you may turn the assignment in early for full credit!
2008 Winners
2008 Winners
2008 Winners