Exploring prefixes dis- un- inter- il- ir- pre- mis- sub- anti- Click on me whenever you want to return to this page! Want to know what a prefix is? Click here Exploring prefixes dis- un- inter- il- ir- pre- mis- sub- anti- Kindly contributed to the Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre http://www.skillsworkshop.org/ by Jennifer Baines, Park Lane College, Leeds. j.baines@parklanecoll.ac.uk May 2007. Adult literacy curriculum links: Ww/L1.2 Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life. Know and ...(a) apply a range of methods (visual, phonetic, kinaesthetic, analogies, mnemonics ) to help learn and remember correct spellings (b) apply some spelling rules to help attempt and check spellings Ww/L2.1 Spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life, including familiar technical words. (a) know and apply a range of methods (visual, phonetic, kinaesthetic, use of analogies, mnemonics) to help learn and remember correct spellings (b) understand how knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes can support spelling, including the spelling of some technical words Rw/L1.3 recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings (b) understand that prefixes can provide clues to meaning. Rw/L2.1 read and understand technical vocabulary (c) understand that technical vocabulary is often coined by adapting/extending meanings of existing words and word patterns, or building new words using known roots / suffixes / prefixes and that this can provide clues to meanings of unknown words. e.g. computer memory, astronaut, micro-surgery Click the prefix you want to study
dis- ‘dis-’ has several meanings one of which Type the correct is ‘not’ When using the prefix dis- simply attach it to the root word! You don’t need to alter the spelling. I disconnected the television and video cables so that I could move them around the room. Type the correct spelling into each box. disatisfied / dissatisfied disservice / diservice disallow / dissallow Can you discover more words starting with ‘dis’ in the dictionary?
un- ‘un-’ has several meanings one of which is ‘not’ When using the prefix un- simply attach it to the root word! You don’t need to alter the spelling. The ground was uneven and so I tripped over. Type the correct spelling in each box. unatural / unnatural unnobtrusive / unobtrusive uneven / unven Can you look up more words Starting with ‘un’ in the dictionary?
inter- ‘inter-’ has several meanings one of which is ‘between’ When using the prefix ‘inter-’ simply attach it to the root word! You don’t need to alter the spelling. Add ‘inter-’ to these words. If you are unsure of their meanings then look them up. mediate national Can you look up more words Starting with ‘inter’ in the dictionary?
il- The prefix ‘il-’ most often means ‘not’ When using the prefix il- simply attach it to the root word! You don’t need to alter the spelling. Type the correct spelling in each box. ilogical / illogical illegitimate / ilegitimate illegal / ilegal Can you look up more words Starting with ‘il’ in the dictionary?
ir- ‘ir-’ has several meanings one of which is ‘not’ When using the prefix ‘ir-’ simply attach it to the root word! You don’t need to alter the spelling. Type the correct spelling in each box. iregular / irregular iresponsible / irresponsible Use the dictionary to look up the word irrational. Try to explain its meaning and use it in a sentence of your own.
pre- ‘pre-’ means ‘before’ Example: pre + view = preview I went to see a preview of the latest action movie. (preview = advanced showing) Pre view Add ‘pre-’ to the words inside the boxes. Look up their meaning in the dictionary if you need to. Write them into sentences to show their meaning. Can you look up more words Starting with ‘pre-’ in the dictionary?
mis- ‘mis-’ means ‘wrongly’ or ‘badly’ When adding ‘mis-’ as a prefix there is no need to change the spelling of the root word. e.g. He was confused because he misunderstood the instructions. Add ‘mis-’ to the words inside the boxes. Look up their meaning in the dictionary if you need to. Write them into sentences to show their meaning. Can you look up more words Starting with ‘mis-’ in the dictionary?
sub- ‘sub-’ means ‘under’. Example: sub + marine = submarine. (A submarine goes under water). Add ‘sub’ to the following words. Look up their meaning in the dictionary if you need to. Write them into sentences to show their meaning. Can you look up more words Starting with ‘sub-’ in the dictionary?
anti- ‘anti-’ means ‘against’. Example: anti + social = antisocial. (unsociable / opposed to the community) Add ‘anti’ to the following words. Look up their meaning in the dictionary if you need to. Write them into sentences to show their meaning. Can you look up more words Starting with ‘anti-’ in the dictionary?
What’s a prefix? A ‘prefix’ is part of a word that you can add to the front of a ‘root’ word to change its meaning. Example: prefix + root word = new word un + happy = unhappy (not happy)