School Gardens
Olympia School District, Olympia WA Uses local produce via Farm to School programs (lettuce, potatoes, squash) Uses local bakery for bread products (bagels, granola, and pizza crust) Fresh fruits and vegetables everyday 50% of fruits and/or vegetables served on salad bar are locally grown and organic
Lincoln Elementary, Olympia WA Recess before lunch Milk dispenser Compost Recycle School garden
Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, KY Buys through local farmers Department of Defense (DOD) fruit and vegetable program Serve 61% whole grain rolls Prepare items from scratch
Chenoweth Elementary, Louisville KY HealthierUS Challenge School (Bronze) Practical Living Curriculum Go, Slow, Whoa Fresh fruits and vegetables served daily Biodegradable trays, straws, flatware, and garbage bags School garden
Missoula County Public Schools, Missoula, MT Uses local produce via Farm to School programs (carrots, zucchini, tomatoes, beef) Process foods using local processor 15 – 20% are Montana based foods School Garden
Wayzata School District, Minneapolis MN State wide Farm to School Initiative Fruits and vegetables processed locally Fresh fruits and vegetables everyday
Central Middle School, Minneapolis MN Offer variety of fresh fruits and vegetables Baked items no fried foods Nutrition Education Recycling and composting
Handouts Focus on Food Focus on Nutrition Recycling Focus Seasonality Student Activity Recipes