Title: IP Softphone 3456 Keycode Retrieval System (KRS) User Guide Issue: 0.3 Date: July 2011 Hi and welcome to the Order Centre – Ordering training. Often we refer to Order Centre as OC, so we will say ‘OC – Ordering”, to refer to the component of Order Centre covered in this training.
Contents Overview of Keycode License Generation Process Contacting KRS Support What do you need before accessing to the KRS ? Accessing the IP Softphone 3456 KRS instance Registering your system Generating a Keycode License Using a Purchase Order Retrieving a Keycode License Retrieving KRS Documentation
Overview Keycode License Generation Process Partner Avaya KRS Place Keycode License Order Avaya Order Mgm’t System sends a Non-stock PO To KRS for the Software Licenses Ordered. Customer access’s KRS and generates License and retrieves. Partner places Keycode License order with Avaya Avaya OM enters order into SAP OM system. SAP sends non stock PO of licenses to KRS. Customer logs into KRS and initially register’s their system. Customer selects to generate keycode. Customer selects licenses/features from Purchase order and generates keycode. KRS generates license, saves results to db and displays license to customer Customer downloads license’s and applies to product.
eBusiness Tools Landing Page – to access all the tools ! www.avaya.com/ebizn (Americas, Asia) www.avaya.com/ebizu (Europe, Middle East, Africa) Acess KRS Access KRS The eBusiness Tools Landing page provides access to ALL the eBusiness tools, as well as links to a variety of information. The theatre specific URLs for the eBusiness tools landing page are listed at the top of this slide. Access the tools – by selecting the tools from the categories across the top of the page. OC is found under the “Orders” category. The eBusiness Tools Portal pages – are informational web pages about all the eBusiness Tools. There are several links to the eBusiness Tool portal pages from the eBusiness Tools landing page that is shown in this slide. For example, across the middle of the page: Tools Overview – provides an overview of each tool and who uses them. From this page, you can access detailed pages for each tool from the left menu. Training – provides the quarterly leader led training schedule, training curriculum and links to all the available webinars and self paced learning materials. Support – provides the Global support phone numbers as well as a link to the eBusiness Tools support portal page where you will find a downloadable support document that gives you all the information that you need about support Registering for the eBusiness Tools (at the bottom of the page) – provides step by step instructions about how to register for all of the eBusiness tools, including selecting which eBusiness Tools you require, accessing the tools and PC Requirements. What’s New (also at the bottom of the page) – highlights new items related to the eBusiness tools. The Email Notification Service (also at the bottom of the page) – is a subscription-based service that delivers email notices about the e-Business tools including application content updates, release dates and special events. Users not signed up for the eMail Notification service will receive no communications about any of the eBusiness tools. Useful Information –found in the left menu on the eBusiness Tools Landing page, includes a folder for each eBusiness tool that provides helpful information such as release notes. To start working with OC – Ordering– select <Ordering (Order Center)> from the drop down menu within the ‘Orders” category at the top of the eBusiness Tools Landing page, and the “Order Centre Home” page screen will be displayed. Click here for Tools Training information Click here for Global Support Phone Numbers and support information Click here for process about “How to Register for the eBusiness Tools” – including KRS
Accessing the KRS instance of IP Softphone 3456 Go to eBusiness Tools Landing Page (see previous slide) Enter your SSO user ID and password as requested Select ‘Licenses” then select ”KRS” Select product family “IP Softphone 3456” from the list box. TIP : After a product family has been selected, to change product families, click <Keycode Retrieval> to return to this page
Registering your System Once you’ve logged in, the default screen is Product Registration. Before you can generate any keycodes you must register your System. To begin Registration select Create.
Registering your System cont. Enter the site name you wish to use to identify your system. BLANK SPACES ARE NOT ALLOWED WITHIN THE SITE NAME. Complete the location data requested. Then click Continue. At the next screen click on Save.
Generating a Keycode License After Registering your system select Generate Keycode from side bar. Identify the system you wish to generate a license for by entering the system ID, (the site name you used when you registered your system. Once you have entered all the data click on Continue.
Generating a Keycode License cont. To generate your keycode you must either have a numeric authorization code which you would enter in the box opposite Auth Code or you can search for a Purchase Order. It is possible to enter both. In this example we are searching for a PO. Click Go to PO after entering its number. NOTE: for more information about Auth Codes please refer to: KR203 Auth Code Functionality (eAuth, Paper and Numeric) KR204eAuth Code Administration
Generating a Keycode License cont. The KRS will return your PO where you can then select a qty of each line item to include in your license’s creation. If you want the total content of the PO to be included in your license you can select; Add All. After making your selection click on Continue. You will be brought back to the point where you can either; a) specify another PO from which to take features from, or b) enter numeric Auth Codes or c) select go to summary and produce the keycode license. In this example we will select Go to Summary.
Generating a Keycode License cont. The KRS will show a summary of your PO selections, you can elect to Generate Keycode or cancel. Generation should take between 10-20 seconds. When complete, the KRS will take you to the Retrieve and download screens.
Generating a Keycode License / Retrieve Keycode cont. After generation you are presented with the retrieve keycode screen. The KRS will display the most current keycode as indicated by the Green Bar. The summary will indicate Current Configured features, the line items or authcodes last used, creation date and info and the keycode itself. Your options from here are to download the keycode license or to view the order/authcode specifics that have gone into creating this keycode license. To download the IP Softphone 3456keycode just select Download keycode.
Generating a Keycode License / Retrieve Keycode cont. Selecting the view Authcode history: This view displays each chronological creation of keycode. The feature added, date, person, description of features, etc.
Retrieving a Keycode License To retrieve a previously generated Keycode License, click on Retrieve Keycode from the KRS sidebar. When the Retrieve Screen comes up enter the Site Name. If you only enter part of the Site Name the KRS will perform a wild card search and present all ID’s beginning with your search string that you are entitled to view. Then click on Search.
Retrieving a Keycode License When KRS retrieves the keycode license you searched for you can download to your PC by selecting Download Keycode.
Retrieve Keycode cont. After selecting download Keycode, the KRS will pop up the File Download dialogue box, select Save. That will bring up the Save As dialogue box and will provide a default filename. You can specify where you wish to save the file and then click on Save.
Documentation, Forms & User Guides 3. 1. 2. Select <Documentation, Forms & USER GUIDES> Double click the desired folder, select the desired form and right mouse click to save it to your computer Click on <KRS Documentation> for access to the <Release Notes> and <Training> folders The KRS documentation repository contains many forms, communications and User Guides for KRS for each specific product family in KRS. To view all the folders, select the <Documentation, Forms and USER GUIDES> link in the left menu of KRS This opens a folder structure containing all the forms available for downloading. Open the desired folder by double clicking, select the document that you would like and save it to your computer by right clicking your mouse. Click on <KRS Documentation>, as shown by #3 on the slide, for access to the <Release Notes> and <Training> folders
Thank You This concludes the OC Ordering training. Thank you for listening.