Quality Monitoring of Training
NES HCS Quality Management 2015, NES HCS expanded role in quality managing postgraduate scientist training Quality Management is mandatory for STP training to comply with HCPC SET’s In Scotland: postgraduate scientist in training encompasses all postgraduate trainees.
Departmental Self Assessment Capture department’s perception of how ready it is to support a trainee Requirement to monitor spending of public money SA evidence is used at the next stage of the quality management process – The NSHCS accreditation visits Why does it matter? – PATIENT SAFETY http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/hcstrainees/postgraduates.aspx
Progress to date JULY OCT Sept MAY 2015 2016 Appointment of Dec - present 2015/ 2017 MAY Sept 2016 Appointment of Specialty Leads/ Dev Self-Assessment Self Assessments sent to departments SA’s reviewed by Specialty Leads/ dialogue with departments/ Certificates of completion STP Accreditation Visits - Genetics/Embryo/Biochem/Haem/Micro (2016) - Physics/Physiology (Feb/Mar 2017) Postgrad Community Review Visits (Non-STP)
Self-Assessment Returns JUNE 2016 SA RETURNS JUNE 2017 SA RETURNS
Returns to date June 2016: June 2017: 117 training Centres identified 60 SA’s returned / 51% completion rate June 2017: 124 training Centres identified 99 SA’s returned / 80% completion rate Successful Departments sent Certificate of completion Specialty Leads in dialogue with departments with newer trainees or who wish to train in the future.
The next step in the process Accreditation visits The next step in the process
Accreditation visits – STP’s/Clinical Scientists Panel comprised of : Chair Lay representative Scientific representative Independent representative
Accreditation visits – STPs/Clinical Scientists 4 Visits already carried out by the NSHCS Performed pragmatically as consortium events rather than individual departmental visits. Genetics/Embryology (27/09/2016) Biochemistry & Microbiology (28/09/2016) Physics (28/02/2017) (Clinical Scientists) Physiological sciences (01/03/2017) All consortia accredited to train but with various conditions to be met.
Accreditation visits – Postgrads in service Postgraduate Healthcare scientists in service (with NES training numbers) were split into Eastern and Western Consortia Visits performed on May 24th and 25th 2017 (NES formed panel) Panel comprised of: NES Educational Governance Manager Professional Lead Lay Representative Verbal successful outcome, awaiting formal panel report
Postgraduate trainee Panel Review Experience “I found last week's meeting quite interesting actually. It seemed to me that the NES funded post-graduate/MSc. students are well supported in their studies, and I think it is a great idea for NES to ask questions about their experiences. It is entirely possible that, without this type of accountability, a student who is not supported by NES may find themselves not really supported by anyone in particular if struggling with their studies. I personally feel that providing funding is only the first (albeit fundamentally important) step in supporting MSc. students, but ongoing support, knowing an organisation 'has your back', is also very very important.”
Summary of conditions identified for panel reviews Standardisation of trainee support level Study time & trainer support OLAT competency evidence level standardised Training coordinator assigned to each theme Evidence of Patient and Public involvement Recommended formal trainer qualifications - e.g. NES Train the trainer course
Discussion Notes How should we promote the reviews and their output? Knowledge network? Handbook? NES website? Updates to professional bodies? Ideas for patient and public involvement/ sharing of best practice Liaison between HEI providing M level and service