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Ronald Hui Tak Sun Secondary School
Presentation transcript:

Education Infrastructure Division GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong Resources in Web-based Learning and Teaching Support for Primary and Secondary Mathematics Anthony Or Education Infrastructure Division Education Bureau 9 Nov 2012

Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS)

EdBlog of GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

1. Telling Time from Clocks EdBlog -> KS1 -> Measures

EdBlog -> KS1 -> Measures 2. Find the Elapsed Time EdBlog -> KS1 -> Measures

EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形 3. 常規四邊形的特性 EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形

EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形 4. 把四邊形按邊長分類 (電子幾何條) EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形

EdBlog -> KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形 5. 把四邊形分類 EdBlog -> KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形

EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形 6. 方格紙上畫四邊形 EdBlog -> KS1 or KS2 -> Shape and Space -> 2S4 3S2 四邊形

EdBlog -> KS2 -> Measures 7. 探究「斜」平行四邊形的面積 EdBlog -> KS2 -> Measures

EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number 8. 分數乘法 EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number

EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number 9. 分數除法:均分 EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number

EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number 10. 分數除法:包含 EdBlog -> KS2 -> Number

EdBlog -> KS3 -> Measures, Shape and Space 11. Area of Circles EdBlog -> KS3 -> Measures, Shape and Space

12. Graphing Linear Equations EdBlog -> KS3 -> Number

13. Circumcircle of a Triangle EdBlog -> KS3 -> Measures, Shape and Space

EdBlog -> KS3 -> Measures, Shape and Space 14. Incircle of a Triangle EdBlog -> KS3 -> Measures, Shape and Space