Do it now activity Since the beginning of the term you have planned a database based on your own scenario. Using your plan you are going to create a database, populate it and then query it. Plan what you are going to search your database for. Plan three queries that you can search for in your database.
query data on one table using a typical query language Learning outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to demonstrate that you can .... ALL (Level 5) define data types query data on one table using a typical query language MOST (Level 6) distinguish between data used in a simple program (a variable) and the storage structure for that data SOME (Level 7) Explain how and why values are data typed in many different languages when manipulated within programs
In your books Todays date: 17/11/2018 C/W Lesson title: End of term Assessment
Independent task Create your database Create the table(s) Populate your table(s) Create at least three queries – explaining the purpose of your queries Print out any SQL you write Explain why you have used SQL
Do it now activity Using a green pen identify any changes you made to your plan in order to complete your end of term assessment.
Learning objectives Plenary Three stars and a wish.
query data on one table using a typical query language Learning outcomes Have you demonstrated that you can.... ALL (Level 5) define data types query data on one table using a typical query language MOST (Level 6) distinguish between data used in a simple program (a variable) and the storage structure for that data SOME (Level 7) Explain how and why values are data typed in many different languages when manipulated within programs