Curriculum and Assessment


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Curriculum and Assessment Dr. Brandy Ann Sato Laura Rolo Thursday, June 29, 2017

Celebrate! Cluster Goal Review 2016-2017 Gallery Walk (mixed) Break Cluster Reflection Break Cluster Goal Setting Assessment Update Update and Next Steps for 2017-2018 in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Exit Ticket

G A L E R Y WALK Start at the board that matches your Mary card Cluster Representative(s) summarizes information for the group Group discusses goal and information Rotate to the right after 5 minutes (signal) Return to tables, answer reflection questions with your cluster members WALK

Gallery Walk Reflection What are some specific things you noticed during the Gallery Walk? What did you find to be similar or different amongst the Clusters? Share ideas you plan take back to your respective schools to implement next year. Participants will have a handout to fill out; they will complete individually and then share at tables.

Cluster Goal Setting Each cluster will create at least one Cluster Goal focused on student achievement in English/Language Arts. (You may create other goals, such as for mathematics.) Then, create a Professional Practice Goal for your Cluster’s and/or your school’s teachers. Lastly, list specific Action Steps your Cluster and/or school will take to achieve both goals. Participants will have a handout to fill out; they will complete individually and then share at tables.

Writing Goal Setting Review the summary of “Look-Fors” generated by principals during the June 5-6, 2017 In-Service. Create your own Professional Practice Goal - an action you will do to promote the achievement of the new Writing Standards in your school. List specific Action Steps you will take to achieve your goal as well as evidence for tracking process along the way. Participants will have a handout to fill out; they will complete individually and then share at tables.

Turn and Talk with a Partner in another Cluster Writing Goal Setting Turn and Talk with a Partner in another Cluster Participants will have a handout to fill out; they will complete individually and then share at tables.

Multi-Year Plan Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 SY 2015-16 English/Language Arts (E/LA) Design Year Year 2 SY 2016-17 E/LA Stage 1: Curriculum Year 3 SY 2017-18 E/LA Stage 2: Assessment Focus: Writing Develop schedule for other content areas Year 4 SY 2018-19 E/LA Stage 3: Instruction Focus: Reading Math Design Year Implement schedule for other content areas Year 5 SY 2019-20 E/LA (extra year if needed) Focus: Listening/ Speakiing Math Stage 1 Implement schedule for other Content Areas

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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Update June 5/6 Debrief: Survey Data Principal Parking Lot Group Updates: E/LA Committee Instructional Specialists Curriculum Group Exit Ticket: Nominate your Experts! Tell us if you purchased Units of Study as an Instructional Resource Leave us a question, comment, or an affirmation! Additional Samples of Units of Study are available; On-line sample links Laura to add info

Thanks for your participation and support!