Welcome to SciencePo ULB Welcome to SciencePo ULB! Faculté de philosophie et sciences sociales (FPSS) Info session Master in Political Science (60 credits)
Double degree students from the LUISS Info session on Thursday 20 September at 2pm (H5.162)
Your team Responsibility NAME Email Head of Department and responsible of the programme (MA60EN) VAN HAUTE Emilie evhaute@ulb.ac.be Secretariat TEIXEIRA Marie-Thérèse Marie-Therese.Teixeira@ulb.ac.be President of the jury WASINSKI Christophe Christophe.Wasinski@ulb.ac.be
Your main tools WHAT? WHY? WHERE? Faculty Rules, authorities http://philoscsoc.ulb.be/fr SciencePo Programmes, practical info, useful links http://philoscsoc.ulb.be/scpo/ Catalogue Course description http://www.ulb.ac.be/programme MonULB Administrative duties www.monulb.be Gehol Course schedule https://gehol.ulb.ac.be/ UV Course content https://uv.ulb.ac.be/ Facebook Events, activities, info for students www.facebook.com/sciencepoulb Linkedin Job offers and info for Alumni www.linkedin.com/in/sciencepoulb Twitter Events, activities, media, etc. @SciencePoULB BEFSP Student assocation http://bephisoc.ulb.be
26,000 students 12 Faculties, schools and institutes Founded in 1834 In the capital of Europe Multicultural and international city Open-minded and engaged
1,400 students Brussels, 2nd city in the world with the most international institutions International environment (Faculty & students) 1st in its domain in Belgium; Top100 in the world
Your studies at SciencePo ULB 3 cycles Bachelor : 1st cycle Master: 2nd cycle PhD: 3rd cycle Credits measure the workload of each course: class, individual work, readings, preparation, etc. One academic year for a full time student equals 60 credits
Your studies at SciencePo ULB Teaching Units Learning activities described in a course report Evaluated by a mark If passed, credits are acquired Rhythm of the academic year Three terms, each followed by an evaluation session: 2 teaching terms of 12 weeks, the 3rd summer term dedicated to internships or preparations
Your studies at SciencePo ULB Evaluation: All teaching units are evaluated at the end of each term The 1st evaluation session is organized in January for the UE of the 1st term, and in May/June for the UE of the 2nd term The 2nd evaluation session (retake session) is organized Mid- August to early September
Your studies at SciencePo ULB Evaluation: Teaching units are passed and credits are acquired if marked 10/20 or above When all credits are acquired for a cycle, the jury deliberates and grant a mention when applicable (Satisfaction, Distinction, Grande distinction, La plus grande distinction)
Your studies at SciencePo ULB Goal Overview of various fields in the sub-discipline Training and writing of a Final Dissertation (FD) Structure du programme (60 crédits) 30 ects FD + FD seminar 20 ects overview of sub-fields in political science 10 ects optional courses Options to be chosen by the end of September Catalogue: http://www.ulb.ac.be/programme/MA60-POLI/index.html
Final Dissertation (FD) Preparation via Seminar Deadlines October 29: Topic and reseach question December 19: Full Registration form Mid-May: Submission (first session) End of June: Defense (first session) Mid-August: Submission (retake session) Early September: Defense (retake session) Format: 30 pages
Final Dissertation (FD) Information: Université Virtuelle: FSP_TFE01 (Mémoire de Master / TFE / Master Thesis / Final Dissertation) Online platform https://togetherdev.ulb.ac.be/dissertation/app/login.php
Beyond your course programme: Some advice GO TO CLASS READ: International press WRITE: Practice regularly Vade Mecum for all papers submitted
Beyond your course programme: Some advice Language support - MOOC ULB ‘Spice up your English’: http://podcast.ulb.ac.be/site/moocs-SpiceUp.html - Conversation tables at CIDLV: http://dsea.ulb.ac.be/index.php/tc - Free support for ULB students at F9! http://www.f9languages.eu
How to contact a Professor? Create your own ULB email address Essential to receive all official information from ULB Essential for professors to identify you
How to contact a Professor? Check the ‘annuaire’ to find the email address of the person you’re looking for
Mention the course Verify that the answer is not written somewhere (course outline, UV) Evaluate the degree of emergency (can it wait until the next class/office hours?
S.AY2.112 How to find a classroom? Campus S = SOLBOSCH Building Building Door Level Room number
ULB Services
ULB Services WHAT? WHY? WHERE? Student social service Grants and support sse@admin.ulb.ac.be Psy Campus Stress, personal issues psycampus@ulb.ac.be ULB Culture Exhibits, orchestra, choir, concerts, film-club, etc. http://www.ulb.ac.be/culture ULB Sports Sport and well-being http://www.ulbsports.eu/
ULB Informations Registration fees You will have to pay at least 10% of your registration fees BEFORE 31.10.2018 and the entire sum BEFORE 04.01.2019 otherwise you will not be allowed to take your exams !
Follow SciencePo ULB on social media www.facebook.com/sciencepoulb www.linkedin.com/in/sciencepoulb @SciencePoULB
SciencePo ULB wishes you an excellent academic year!