Implementing the HRA – A Provider’s Perspective Gill Herd – Senior Manager, Partnerships Solace Women’s Aid is a charity registered in England and Wales Charity Number : 1082450. © All Rights Reserved, November 2017
Solace - Safe Lives. Strong Futures For more than 40 years we’ve supported women and children in London to build safe and strong lives free from violence and abuse.
Our Services Solace supports over 11,000 women & children every year to life free from abuse Solace has 19 refuges with 300 bed spaces for women & children in London Leading Ascent A&C partnership to support over 10,000 SUs per year across London
Fleeing abuse – impact on housing Solace carried out research ‘Price of Safety’ (2016) into the housing issues for women in our refuges Confirmed what we knew, that access to settled housing was increasing difficult for women fleeing DV coming into refuges Women and children stuck in refuge as move-on difficult, especially for single women Losing housing status Repeat traumatisation/ distress Preventing recovery and reintegration Frequent moves– costly and unsettling Hampering children’s development – numerous schools, disruption etc. Those who are NRPFs have few options Women chosing to stay in abusive situation rather than face the homeless process.
Current position across London Gatekeeping is a major issue and HCOG not followed – some boroughs almost impossible to make a homeless application Our staff spending a huge amount of time battling with LAs on SUs behalf women’s safety is compromised on a daily basis Solace working with strategic partners such as MOPAC, London Councils, GLA, Southwark– set up London VAWG & Housing group with Safer London to influence and improve situation
Some successes to date - Worked together to help shape the Pan London Reciprocal Housing agreement. - Identify ‘key asks’ , action plan and pathways for survivors - Carried out a ‘cost-benefit’ analysis of cost of refuge against cost of nightly TA Influence and lobby for survivors e.g. Homeless Reduction Bill Developed Rhea and Amari Projects.
Partnership working in Southwark Solace has run the Southwark Advocacy and Support Service (SASS) in the borough (for last 6 years) Initially the relationship with Southwark was similar to what I have just described Developed relationship with Southwark Housing Solutions over the last 18 months especially due to commitment from Solace and the Housing Solutions Manager. The Trailblazer has provided an amazing opportunity to further embed this work and Southwark are now fully funding a full-time co-located worker (since Dec 17) Also developed the Rhea Project – partnership between Solace, Commonweal Housing and Southwark – good quality TA with support, referrals through Housing Solutions. Part of new London Training Academy
Co-location in Housing Solutions Initially started as 1 day per week with no funding from Housing Full-time since Dec 17 – fully funded by Southwark Council – fantastic opportunity to work in partnership to shape the response to survivors. Located in Placements Team and work with Gateway staff to help identify and support women approaching due to VAWG – Working really well and improving outcomes for women on a daily basis Strategic support and commitment on both sides is key Resources and practical considerations are vital too, such as desk space, phone etc.
Impact of co-location so far Increase in referrals/ earlier identification of high risk cases Better response & outcomes for SUs - increase in offers of TA for this client group as worker based in placements team. Immediate crisis intervention/ same day appts for VAWG cases– increased safety. Improved communication, shared knowledge, expertise and understanding Shaping good practice and more consistent approach Changes in practice – earlier intervention/ prevention better than cure! Not only more housing offered but more referrals for support. True example of excellent partnership working
Opportunities and challenges to overcome New way of working – change of culture and approach on both sides. Managing expectation of our staff and SUs. Developing skills and knowledge around housing and HRA – not an expert so learning Very intensive role, lots of admin and referrals keep coming, high pressure! Still developing joint-working arrangements e.g. around access to database, protocols Ensuring consistency of practice across the service and embedding good practice Retaining independence, advocating for SUs whilst also being part of the Hsg Solutions team. Southwark funds post but still employed by Solace.
HRA implementation and partnership working Great opportunity for LAs to work more closely with 3rd sector and to adopt the ‘Southwark Model’ – specialist advocacy and support. Prevention strategies need to consider needs of specific client groups e.g. DV -put safety of women first -Also vital to work closely with landlords such as RSLs to use Reciprocol agreeements/ Mgt transfers and other prevention measures. Work with private landlords to ensure safe, suitable housing with tenancies for a minimum of 2 years. Access to independent housing and legal advice - Shelter in Southwark
Positive Impact Partnership in Southwark is an amazing example of successful partnership work Hugely beneficial not only to women who approach Southwark, but to our SASS team and Southwark Housing team. Great feedback from women about support & assistance provided We’re really proud of the partnership with Southwark and what this has helped achieve for our service users and gives hope for other boroughs.
Questions for discussion Do any of you currently co-locate anywhere or are considering this? What, if any, are the barriers to this and who/ what might help? What makes an effective partnership? Who and how can these best be approached? Potential benefits/ issues for consideration?
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