Hopkins Elementary Sight Word Project Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. ELL Language Specialist & Project Coordinator Contact Information: yanira_alfonso@gwinnett.k12.ga.us yalfonso7@bellsouth.net, Websites: Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website http://www.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=314263&ck= or Go to: “Class Websites” on the Hopkins Elementary Website http://www.gwinnett.k12.ga.us/HopkinsES/home.html September, 2007
Katie Van Laningham and Mark Callachan Kindergarten Words 271 - 275 Katie Van Laningham and Mark Callachan Kindergarten
learn I will learn to swim.
The pencil has a sharp point.
The city has tall buildings.
play The teams play soccer.
The sunflower grows toward the sun.
learn I will learn to swim.
The pencil has a sharp point.
The city has tall buildings.
play The teams play soccer.
The sunflower grows toward the sun.