Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk At its core, StudentFolder® is a student planner and organiser. Students and parents have instant access via the web or mobile app to the student timetable, homework, alerts and news/announcements. All features are designed to be simple to use and engaging by utilising social media styles familiar to students and many parents. StudentFolder® is part of our drive to become more eco-friendly, however a paper planner will also be available in 2018/19, if requested. Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
Same as their school username tks.studentfolder.co.uk tks.studentfolder.co.uk Username: Same as their school username Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk 000 Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk STEPS is an assessment and progress monitoring, tracking and reporting programme for secondary schools. It provides an accurate method of measuring attainment and progress in Years 7–8. Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk The cornerstone of the system is a simple STEPS Grid for each subject and a progressive set of attainment targets that break the curriculum into manageable chunks. At the beginning of the first term in Year 7, all students undertake baseline testing in the form of a written test or practical assessment, depending on the subject in question. This subject-specific testing gives every student an entry point into each Strand. Through ongoing formative assessment the students' progression can then be measured over the course of KS3. Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
Strands Steps tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
How does STEPS work? Strands Steps tks.studentfolder.co.uk Strands How does STEPS work? The STEPS system allows for incremental levels of advancement in each subject. At the heart of it is the STEPS Grid, a simple set of progressive attainment targets. Steps Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Strands Steps Strands Strands are the topics covered in each subject at KS3, representing the skills, knowledge and understanding that pupils must exhibit. On average, there are five Strands per subject. For example, in Geography, one strand is ‘Physical processes’ while another is ‘Human processes’ Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Strands Steps Within each Strand there are nine Steps. The combination of Step scores across each Strand gives pupils a Step Point Score. This becomes the pupil’s average in the subject. Developing: D1 D2 D3 Mastery: M1 M2 M3 Expert: E1 E2 E3 Steps Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
Same as their school username tks.studentfolder.co.uk tks.studentfolder.co.uk Username: Same as their school username Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future
tks.studentfolder.co.uk If you have any questions then please contact myself, your child’s tutor or the relevant progress leader. A computer room is available after this talk for you to access StudentFolder and to ask any questions you may have. Built on tradition that has stood the test of time, whilst creating the future