The Appendicular Skeleton
The Appendicular Skeleton Figure 8–1
The Appendicular Skeleton Allows us to move and manipulate objects Includes all bones besides axial skeleton: the __________ the supportive ___________
What are the bones of the pectoral girdle, their functions, and features?
The Pectoral Girdle Figure 8–2a
The Pectoral Girdle ____________________ _________________ Positions the shoulders Provides a base for arm movement
The Pectoral Girdle Consists of: __________ _____________ Connects with the axial skeleton only at the manubrium
The Clavicles Figure 8–2b, c
The Clavicles Also called collarbones Long, S-shaped bones Originate at the __________________ Articulate with the ________________
The Scapulae _________________ Broad, flat triangles Articulate with arm and collarbone
The Scapula _____________________________________ Figure 8–3a
Structures of the Scapula Body has 3 sides: ________________ ____________(vertebral border) _____________(axillary border)
Structures of the Scapula Figure 8–3b
The Scapular Head _________________ Which articulates with humerus To form shoulder joint
Processes of the Glenoid Cavity __________________: anterior, smaller _____________: posterior, larger articulates with clavicle at the acromioclavicular joint
Structures of the Scapula Posterior surface Figure 8–3c
Posterior Features of the Scapula ____________: ridge across posterior surface of body Separates 2 regions: _____________ ______________ 3D Rotation of Scapula, Clavicle and Humerus PLAY
What are the bones of the upper limbs, their functions, and features?
The Upper Limbs Arms, forearms, wrists, and hands Note______________________________
The Humerus Figure 8–4
The Humerus Also called the arm The long, upper armbone Articulates with the pectoral girdle
The Distal Epiphysis Medial and lateral epicondyles: for muscle attachment Condyle of the humerus: _____________________
Articular Regions of the Condyle ____________: coronoid fossa and olecranon fossa articulates with ulna _____________: radial fossa articulates with radius
The Forearm Figure 8–5
The Forearm Also called the antebrachium Consists of 2 long bones: ___________ (medial) ___________(lateral)
Ulna: The Olecranon Superior end of _____________ Point of elbow Superior lip of ________________ Articulates with trochlea of humerus
Ulna: Articulations with the Humerus Forearm extended: olecranon enters ________________ Forearm flexed: coronoid process enters _________________
Ulna: Other Articulations _____________: articulates with head of radius forms proximal radioulnar joint ______________: prominent styloid process attaches to articular disc between forearm and wrist
The Radius Lateral bone of forearm Disk-shaped ____________above the neck _____________below the neck, attaches biceps
Articulations of the Radius __________: distal end articulates with wrist and radius ______________: stabilizes wrist joint
The Wrist Figure 8–6
The Wrist 8 _____________: 4 ____________ 4 ________________ allow wrist to bend and twist
Metacarpal Bones _____________________ Numbered I–V from lateral (thumb) to medial Articulate with proximal phalanges
Phalanges of the Hands __________________ Fingers: 2 phalanges (proximal, distal) Fingers: 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)