Job Coach for People with Disabilities" (JOMB) Strategic Partnerships Job Coach for People with Disabilities" (JOMB) Special competence of the Job Coach for people with disabilities - Dealing with different kinds of disabilities Dr Ewa Matuska, PhD European Congress Jobcoach for People with Disabilities in European Context 04. Juli 2018, Dortmund
AGENDA JOMB overall competency map JOMB special competence - clinical orientation Coaching rules & tips
JOMB’s competency map (KSC: Knowledge & Skills, C: Psycho - social competences) - Classification of mental diseases KSC Labour law and supported employment rules Labour market & HRM Clinical characteristic of particular syndromes Ergonomics & OSHA demands for PwD Specialized knowledge & skills about disabilities Job coaching methods and technics adequate for PwD Coaching KS Knowledge & Skills C Psycho-social competences Behavioural analysis Problem solving of practical issues via job coaching of PwD Responsibility Work - networking and building social relations around client Sensivity and humanistic orientation Authonomy Orientation on self- development Source: E. Matuska (2016), European qualification profile for the Job Coach for persons with disabilities, Annex. (Product 2 of the Project)
To whom JOMB concept is addressed ? The project’s team, developing the concept of internationally recognizable job coaching qualification for disabled persons, have aspired to heed possibly all groups of disabilities. Finally, we decided to focus on a three specific disability diagnoses: 1/ Autism Spectrum Disorder 2/ Intellectual Disability 3/ A range of mental health conditions, like: schizphrenia, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive -compulsive disorders They include most frequently diagnosed psychological / psychiatrical forms and persons diagnosed with these conditions are among those most likely to seek active participation in employment. But - learning outcomes described in “European qualification profile for the Job Coach for persons with disabilities” (Product 2 ) and in “International adapted concept of qualifications for the Job Coach for persons with disabilities” (Product 3) allow to modify our proposal to different kinds of disabilities and diagnoses.
What exactly offers JOMB as professional? Job coaching addressed to the person with disability is the support in a form of career - oriented coaching intervention, individually tailored, and based on special kind of the mixture of knowledge and skills acquired during education and practice.
Basic rules of job coaching addressed to disabled persons Every client is a person with individually differentiated health peculiarities and barriers (even persons included into the same diagnostic category of disability have to be treat very individually); The coaching process has to be flexible and adapted to the changeable health conditions and motivation level of the client; Job coach should monitor and tune the possible impact of the family and other persons from the client’s circle who could want to overprotect and influence client's job finding plans and decisions; •Job coach has to know and use the model of supported employment with its all legal and financial benefits when he is negotiating with employers the client’s employment conditions.
JOMB’s main intervention areas in relations to client’s needs: Improving or developing performance – including dealing or coping with specific situations connected with employment Creating or enhancing active attitude and motivation toward own employability Developing and training necessary behavioural patterns facilitating work starting and adaptation
Thank you for the attention!