SWOSU Office of Business Affairs 11/17/2018 4:47 PM SWOSU Office of Business Affairs Brenda Burgess Director of Business Affairs November 17, 2011 © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
*****WARNING***** The following presentation may cause drowsiness, headache, upset stomach and a general feeling of frustration.
Business Affairs Mission The mission of the Office of Business Affairs is to provide financial resource services and support for all functions of the University. We will exercise effective control over the financial resources of the University to ensure compliance with Oklahoma State Statutes and Board of Regents requirements. We will provide highly professional services and support to the University faculty, staff, students, and community by prompt response and effective communication in a courteous, cheerful, and friendly manner. We will continually search for and implement better and more efficient ways to provide these services.
Business Affairs Staff Director & Comptroller – Brenda Burgess Assistant Comptroller - Steve Johnson Grants Accountant – Shabnum Bouma Purchasing Coordinator – Kirk Fast Accts Payable & Travel – Latrice Hunnicutt Accts Payable Clerk – Suzy Moore Accts Payable Clerk – Iona Miller
Business Affairs Staff Payroll Manger – Louann Hanks Payroll Accountant – LaDonna Lucus Payroll Clerk – Claudio Briguedo
Discussion Topics Budget Purchasing Inventory Accounts Payable Travel Account Structure Purchasing Inventory Accounts Payable Travel
Budget Annual budget & Mid-year Budget Departmentalized Familiarize yourself with the budget Review monthly Prepare budget transfers if needed Review encumbered purchase orders monthly Familiarize yourself with what can and should be charged to a budget line item
Account Structure Accounting system requires a 16 digit account Nursing Department operating acct number: 1-00059-1211-5-30000 Fund Dept Year Function Class Object 1 - 00059 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 30000
Fund Dept Year Function Class Object 1 - 00059 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 30000 Fund 1 – State Allocations Fund 2 - Grants and Contracts Fund 3 - Internal operations (University Press) Fund 4 – Auxiliary Services (Food & Dorms) Fund 5 – Construction Projects Fund 7 - Student Organizations Fund 8 - Student Loan Fund 9 - Endowment
Fund Dept Year Function Class Object 1 - 00059 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 30000 11 – Instructional 12 - Research (Sponsored Programs) 13 - Public Service (CEBD, Conference Center) 14 – Academic Support (Library, Assessment) 15 – Student Services (Athletics, FO, Fin Aid) 16 - Institutional (Business Office, Bursar, HR) 17 - Plant (Repairs, Custodial, Grounds, Police) 18 - Scholarship 51 – Auxiliary (Food service, Dorms, Univ Press)
Fund Dept Year Function Class Object 1 - 00059 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 30000 5-10300 Salaries – Professional 5-10500 Salaries – Other 5-10600 Salaries – Student 5-10700 Payroll Fringes
Fund Dept Year Function Class Object 1 - 00059 - 12 - 11 - 5 - 30000 5-10900 Professional Services (Contractors) 5-20000 Travel 5-20010 Travel (Academic Enhancement Fees) 5-30000 Operating 5-30010 Operating (Academic Enhancement Fees) 5-38000 Operating (Endowment ) 5-40000 Equipment 5-40010 Equipment (Academic Enhancement Fees)
Purchase orders are an intent to spend funds required for every expenditure used to clearly state what is being purchased, total cost and who will be paid used to “encumber” or “earmark” the budget not to be used as invoices
Purchase order types Large Purchase order Products generally over $1,000 Small Purchase order Products generally under $1,000 Personal Service Contracts Services from an individual or company Travel request Business related travel reimbursement Pay Action Payroll for an employee for services performed
Distributed Purchasing System (DPS) What An electronic purchase order system. Why Increase efficiency Reduce paper usage Allows approvers access from anywhere Eventual electronic ordering When Gradual implementation of departments
Inventory Equipment – $,2500 and above must have an inventory tag Electronic Equipment – Regardless of cost, must have an inventory tag Computers, printers, projectors, tablets, other Your responsibility – Submit inventory form to business office Addition, deletion, transfer, surplus forms
Accounts payable invoices Invoices, receipts or check requisitions Statements are not invoices Original invoices Approval for payment after receipt of product Approval signature/date required Purchase order number required Account number required Good idea to keep a copy or scanned copy
Other Memberships and Licensures Institutional memberships only Defined as transferrable memberships SWOSU is not allowed to pay for or reimburse individual memberships or licenses
Travel Travel claims are the most scrutinized payment Submit Travel Request Verify what is allowed prior to traveling No surprises Non-exempt employees – verify with HR
Go forth and create purchase orders!