Theodore High School Annual Title I Meeting Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Welcome Ronald Rowell, Principal Andrea Dennis, Title I Facilitator Cathy Fuller, Parent Organizer Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Members
Overview of Title I Title I is a federal program that serves to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education, and reach, at minimum, proficiency on state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. 1% Set-Aside: A minimum of one percent of our school’s Title I allotment must be used for the purpose of increasing parental involvement.
Parental Involvement Parents help create, implement, and evaluate the school’s plans PAC members helped construct the 2011-2012 Parental Involvement Plan Two parents serve on the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) Committee Parents participate in PTO Parents volunteer at the school
Parental Rights and Responsibilities Parents’ Rights: Outlined under federal law Pamphlet will be sent home May request qualifications of your child’s teachers Notification of teachers who are not Highly Qualified (HQ) Complaint procedure Process of parental involvement Annual evaluation of Parental Involvement Plan Participate on school committees Responsibilities: Outlined in School-Parent Compacts Documents may be found on the district website,, and the THS website under “Parent Resources” LEA and School Title I Plans LEA and School Parental Involvement Plans School CIP Plan
Sept. 2011 Title I Meeting followed by PTO Open House Parent Organizer Cathy Fuller is the parent contact and is responsible for: School Compacts Parents’ “Right to Know” Information Newsletters Parent Workshops Partners in Education Other School-Home-Community Related Duties April 2011 PAC Meeting Sept. 2011 CIP 1st Draft Due Sept. 2011 Title I Meeting followed by PTO Open House Sept. 2011 Parent Workshop Jan 2012 CIP Review
FY12 Budget Title I Allotment: - $385,619 Base: $379,646 – Parenting $5,973 Expenditures Include: Personnel – Reading Intervention Teacher, Math Intervention Teacher, Graduation Coach, Attendance Paraprofessional, Parent Organizer, LPN and Retract Manager Extended Day Services Classroom Instructional Supplies Professional Development
Extended Day Tuesday -Thursday, 2:45-3:45 Weekly Progress Reports to Parents Bus Service Available Test Retake (school-wide) Credit Recovery Core Subject Tutoring (math, English, social studies, science) AHSGE (Alabama High School Graduation Exam) Tutoring
Professional Development Planned: NASSP Conference High Schools That Work Regional Conference CLAS Conferences Local In-Services and Workshops SMART Board and Technology Training Classroom Management
School-Wide Data THS Made AYP for 2011-2012
School-Wide Data EQT (formative) and AHSGE (summative) will be major indicators for determining whether or not we reach our goals 10-11 results may be found within the CIP Plan.
Surveys and Suggestion Box on THS Website Stay Involved Surveys and Suggestion Box on THS Website Parent To Do List: Monitor Grades and Attendance Join a School Committee Volunteer Chaperone Field Trips Meet with Teachers