BNSC’s contribution to the GCOS Job Assessment Forms Lucie Viciano ESYS With QinetiQ Wednesday 10th May 2006 CEOS-WGISS 21 Budapest footer
BNSC taking a UK position Status Initial assessment is in progress Discussion/inputs from this meeting Completion of forms from UK perspective Assess the responsibilities for actions. Scoping BNSC and partners for JAFs (see next slide) Cross-cutting issues not yet completed from UK. Status Initial assessment is in progress Discussion/inputs from this meeting are encouraged and will be highly useful for… …the Completion of forms from UK perspective. This will help BNSC coordinate a response to the next GCOS meeting in May 22nd. Assess the responsibilities for actions. Scoping BNSC has 11 partners it represents and this needs to be taken in mind when filling in the JAFs Cross-cutting issues: I’m here to understand a bit better what the cross-cutting issues may be and see what role BNSC can play in GOCS. footer
footer Met Office NERC=Natural Environment Research Council PPARC= Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council CCLRC= Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils_Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) OST= Office of Science and Technology MoD DTI DfT DEFRA=Department for Food and Rural Affairs FCO=Foreign Commonwealth Office DfES= Department for Education and Skills UKISC= UK Industrial Space Committee EPSRC= Engineering of Physical Sciences and Research Council HO= Home Office footer
Issues identified Focus on issues pertaining to data processing, archiving and interoperability of sensors. Other issues: dataset continuity, satellite instrument operationalisation… Main issues for Atmosphere ECVs: Products are inadequate and need new product generation data need to be re-processed Main issues for Oceans ECVs: Continuity Main issues for Terrestrial ECVs: Record continuity Cal/Val Product generation, coverage… Expand on the product inadequacy… footer
Issues: Atmosphere ECV Wind Temp’ Vapour Cloud Precip’ ERB Ozone Reanalysis Aerosol Co2… Upper wind Coverage √ Re-processing Accuracy record Product inadequacy & developing new/homogenous products/record Instrument specificity Cal/Val Continuity [A.3.3: Upper-tropospheric humidity] HIRS products are not adequate for trend identification. There needs to be a Product construction effort: These products need to be improved from HIRS onset (1979) as well as the AMSU-B products (1983 onwards). HIRS= High Resolution Infrared Sounder (NOAA for versions /2, /3, /4 which also will be carried by Metop) Cloud properties: Current products are not adequate for: monitoring regional/large-scale spatial structures like ENSO or for model validation monitoring climate change, as differences in time series from different products and single-product discontinuities have shown. footer
Issues: Ocean ECV footer Sea ice Sea level SST Ocean colour Sea state Sea ice Sea level SST Ocean colour Sea state Reanalysis Ocean salinity Coverage Re-processing √ Accuracy record Product inadequacy & developing new/homogenous products/record √ ? Instrument specificity (interop') (√) Cal/Val Continuity footer
Issues: Terrestrial ECV Lakes Glaciers… Snow Cover Albedo Land cover fAPAR LAI Biomass Fire Soil moisture Coverage √ (√) Re-processing pre-pro' reanalysis Accuracy Record accessibility Record Continuity/archiving Product inadequacy & developing new/homogenous products/record action to improve pd operationalisation not in place √, budget constraints Instrument interop'/Sensor adequacy Cal/Val footer
Next steps Prioritising/Discussion of key issues Review the priority issues in the UK context Complete the JAFs Discuss the way forward with BNSC and its partners. Synthesis Feedback on the proposed method ESYS needs to take account of the prioritisation and discussion of the key issues. Synthesis Feedback on the proposed method Who and how are the JAFs going to be integrated. What exactly is wanted? footer
Thoughts? footer