What’s new in TRISCO version PHYSIBEL
New performances summary - TriscoDxf: tool for fast input of 2D CAD drawings (DXF files). - New template data file initialising material properties and boundary conditions. - Import bitmap based on either superposition (i.e. with possible overlaps) or juxtaposition (i.e. without any overlap) of blocks. - Automatic grid subdivision function. - Automatic initialisation of areas and U values of flanking elements of a thermal bridge. The areas are based on either exterior or interior dimensions. - The U value of any flanking element can be overwritten by an enforced U value. - Show areas and U values in graphic output. - Revolve a 2D geometry containing a cross section (e.g. of a window frame) over an angle of 90° to form a 3D corner joint. - Split zones function. - Equivalent thermal conductivities based on editable surface emissivities across cavities. - Critical relative humidity for surface condensation. - Batch calculation: write calculation results (as in text output window) into text file. - Automatic report generator.
Conversion of DXF drawings to BMP bitmaps for importing in TRISCO TRISCO-DXF features - Input = DXF file, typically containing one or multiple construction detail sections - Output = BMP file, each colour representing a material, a cavity or a boundary condition - User defined pixel size - Multiple Fill Mode options - Using template colours material properties and boundary conditions are automated in TRISCO
Conversion of DXF drawings to BMP bitmaps for importing in TRISCO TRISCO-DXF features - Input = DXF file, typically containing one or multiple construction detail sections - Output = BMP file, each colour representing a material, a cavity or a boundary condition - User defined pixel size - Multiple Fill Mode options - Using template colours material properties and boundary conditions are automated in TRISCO
New colour template EN ISO 10456 – EN ISO 6946 New colour template - material thermal conductivity < EN ISO 10456 - surface heat transfer coefficients < EN ISO 6946 - cavity equivalent thermal conductivity < EN ISO 6946 - A template can be loaded in background when opening TRISCO. - Templates can be easily modified. - EN ISO 10077-2 (window frames) template available.
New colour template EN ISO 10456 – EN ISO 6946 Importing the bitmap in TRISCO, the pixel resolution as specified in the DXF>BMP conversion is respected. Importing the bitmap in TRISCO, the material properties and boundary conditions are automatically initialised.
Importing bitmap superposition or juxtaposition Importing a bitmap in TRISCO, blocks are generated either using superposition (with possible overlaps) or juxtaposition (without any overlaps). Superposition minimises the number of blocks. Juxtaposition can be interesting for 3D editing.
Automatic grid subdivision function Applying Auto Split (example values) - Meshes smaller than 200 mm are split in parts of maximum 10 mm wide. - Larger meshes are first split in 2 if they aren’t at border positions, - and then split using a split ratio either of 1.25 (rightwards or downwards) or of 1/1.25 (leftwards or upwards).
Automatic grid subdivision function Applying Auto Split (example values) - Meshes smaller than 200 mm are split in parts of maximum 10 mm wide. - Larger meshes are first split in 2 if they aren’t at border positions, - and then split using a split ratio either of 1.25 (rightwards or downwards) or of 1/1.25 (leftwards or upwards).
Automatic grid subdivision function – 3D example
Automatic grid subdivision function – 3D example
Automatic initialisation of areas and U values of thermal bridge flanking elements To derive the linear thermal transmittance of a 2D thermal bridge - the dimensions of the flanking elements are initialised automatically, either using external or internal dimensions. - the U-values of the flanking elements are initialised automatically.
Automatic initialisation of areas and U values of thermal bridge flanking elements To derive the linear thermal transmittance of a 2D thermal bridge - the dimensions of the flanking elements are initialised automatically, either using external or internal dimensions. - the U-values of the flanking elements are initialised automatically.
Using an enforced U value of a flanking element The linear thermal transmittance is a characteristic of a 2D thermal bridge. However, in some cases the -value can be derived for construction details in which the heat transfer is 3D. In the example floor-wall junction above, the floor U-value is derived first using a 2D simulation. …
Using an enforced U value of a flanking element … The derived floor U-value can be entered as an enforced U-value. In that way the linear thermal transmittance of the floor-wall junction can be derived.
Improved graphic output The graphic output is improved: graphics showing areas and U values can be created.
From 2D to 3D: revolving a 2D geometry The powerful revolve function allows to create automatically a 3D detail from a 2D cross section. This allows for example a fast 3D surface condensation risk analysis.
From 2D to 3D: revolving a 2D geometry The powerful revolve function allows to create automatically a 3D detail from a 2D cross section. This allows for example a fast 3D surface condensation risk analysis.
From 2D to 3D: revolving a 2D geometry The powerful revolve function allows to create automatically a 3D detail from a 2D cross section. This allows for example a fast 3D surface condensation risk analysis.
From 2D to 3D: revolving a 2D geometry The powerful revolve function allows to create automatically a 3D detail from a 2D cross section. This allows for example a fast 3D surface condensation risk analysis.
Split Zone function For each air cavity an equivalent thermal conductivity needs to be calculated and therefore each air cavity needs its own colour. The Split Zone function allows to assign different colours to blocks that have initially the same colour. In the example the white colour (index 1) is split into grey colours (starting at index 192).
Split Zone function For each air cavity an equivalent thermal conductivity needs to be calculated and therefore each air cavity needs its own colour. The Split Zone function allows to assign different colours to blocks that have initially the same colour. In the example the white colour (index 1) is split into grey colours (starting at index 192).
Equivalent thermal conductivities based on editable surface emissivities across cavities The equivalent thermal conductivity of an air cavity as specified in the standards EN ISO 6946 and EN ISO 10077-2 depends on the infrared emissivity of the surfaces that are parallel to the environments. A default emissivity of 0.9 is assumed when calculating the equivalent thermal conductivity (TRISCO EQUIMAT type). In TRISCO version 12w the emissivity of these surfaces can be edited. The example shown concerns a thin insulation layer with low emissivity surfaces applied in a roof. Alternatively using the RADCON module allows a physical radiation simulation.
Equivalent thermal conductivities based on editable surface emissivities across cavities Example with thin insulation layer with surface emissivity = 0.9 (paper foil at both sides).
Equivalent thermal conductivities based on editable surface emissivities across cavities Example with thin insulation layer with surface emissivity = 0.1 (aluminium foil at both sides).
Critical relative humidity for surface condensation The critical relative humidity at which surface condensation occurs is reported.
Result text file created from batch calculation Result text files are automatically created when calculating in batch mode.
Automatic report generator The automatic report generator creates multiple text and graphical data and result files.
Automatic report generator Using the macro TRISCO_Load these data and results files can be imported automatically into the MS-Word document TriscoReportTemplate.doc.
Automatic report generator
Automatic report generator Personalised versions (other lay-out, contents and order of output items) of the document TriscoReportTemplate.doc can easily be prepared.
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