ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Reconstruction Aspects for the Higgs-Recoil-Analysis under realistic conditions M. Ohlerich 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Outline Introduction Tracking issues Clustering issues Particle ID issues Higgs-Recoil-Mass issues 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Our Collaboration DESY (Zeuthen): W. Lohmann, M.O. (Hamburg): K. Wichmann MPI (München): A. Raspiareza LAL (Orsay): H. Li, R. Pöschl, M. Ruan 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 - Our Task Z l + Higgs-Strahlungs- Process: Higgs-Recoil-Mass Coupling Strength (model independent) H 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
... under realistic conditions LDC01Sc Whizard, Pythia BHWIDE Mokka Marlin / MarlinReco create events @ Ecms and mH=120GeV include BS, ISR, FSR detector- simulation full reconstruction of isolated leptons dilepton reconstruction Higgs Recoil Mass 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
signal deterioration through ... physical effects: BS, ISR, FSR detector effects (interaction with material) reconstruction effects Tracking (pT, θ, φ) (FullLDCTracking) Clustering (p-E-mismatch) (TrackwiseClustering) Particle Identification Efficiency (MOID) 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Tracking Issues - pT Muons - from Z decay single muons of discret energies range goal: Δ1/pT ~ 7 * 10-5 (GeV/c)-1 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Tracking Issues - pT electrons from Z decay counts problems with electron tracks see talk of A. Raspiareza @ ECFA Software and Physics Simulation Phone Meeting from 7. Feb. 2007 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
Tracking issues - angle resolution azimuth angle single muons polar angle muons from Z decay 11/17/2018
Tracking issues - impact parameters R-φ-plane single muons muons from Z decay R-z-plane 11/17/2018
Clustering issues electron cluster splitting → mismatch of cluster energy and track momentum after merging of "satellite photons" to electron clusters in Wolf 11/17/2018
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Particle ID issues MOID processor for MarlinReco: likelihood method 2 classes : neutral and charged particles charged: e, µ, π -- neutral: γ, neutral hadron (KL, n) gauging by known sample of each particle type PDFs = choosen variables like EECAL/Etotal 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Particle ID issues State of Art: gauge procedure = tricky: using MC info difficult for clusters check procedure: - " - good separation of subclasses for single test particle, worse for dense events - not fully understood, yet. single charged particles: identified as electrons 99% as electron, 1% as pion, 0% as muon muons 97% as muon, 2.8% as pion, 0.2% as electron pions 92% as pion, 7.5% as electron, 0.5% as muon 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
Particle ID issues likelihood for muons likelihood for electrons 11/17/2018
Higgs Recoil Mass issues Find isolated leptons Find proper matching with invariant mass coincides with Z-mass Reduce fake signal events from background Find proper description of signal peak 11/17/2018 ... to be continued @ LCWS
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Further steps ... additional information from global topology ... Katarzyna Wichmann Efficiency: 87.5% for di-jet reconstruction 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07
ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07 Backup Slides 11/17/2018 ILC Software Meeting, Orsay 05/07