Software Demonstration Please left click to advance through the show CRM Gutterflow Software Demonstration Please left click to advance through the show
CRM Gutterflow Calculator to BSEN12056-3:2000 Free and restricted flow analysis User branded print output Internal and external gutters Vista / Win 7 Compatible
CRM Gutterflow main screen, to start click rainfall icon
Select area from UK map, then closest town to project
For internal gutters enter building life and safety factor, for external gutters leave default of 1 year
Enter the optional Area name, then Roof and Gutter Length and Width draining into Gutter. The user can then select 4 methods of assigning the vertical height; pitch, eaves to ridge height, height difference for valley gutters or curved roof radius. Gutterflow then calculates the effective catchment area, including the vertical element
Next, the gutter details are entered, either trapezoidal, curved, or pre-stored. For trapezoidal, enter either Throat, sole and upstand, or enter data using sloping lengths and angle (pictured) For curved gutters, the cross sectional area and upstand must be entered
Next, enter the outlet details, either circular, square, chute outlet or free discharge to end hopper. (Siphonic outlet available only for siphonic companies with proprietary data on water depth/flow rate of their outlets)
With an outlet type selected, enter the size. Gutterflow spaces the outlets evenly, (ie for 2 outlets, half the gutter length between outlets, ¼ of gutter length each end). For other outlet spacings the unevenly spaced feature must be used which will be covered later. Next click Calculate
The results are now presented The results are now presented. A clear pass/fail flag is shown, then the gutter and outlet capacity, required and achieved are shown, as well as the minimum downpipe size for tapered outlets. In this case the gutter is OK, but the outlet is too low.
To determine the required outlet size select Auto / Outletsize function. Other Auto functions are Gutterdepth, Gutterwidth, and Max Rainfall intensity, the latter being useful in determining the capacity of existing systems.
With a 160mm outlet, the gutter and outlet work fine With a 160mm outlet, the gutter and outlet work fine. As can be seen the system is in restricted flow, which means the outlet is borrowing some spare gutter capacity, to allow it to be smaller than it would be in freeflow. This reduces the requirements for sumps, and is the best way to design industrial gutters.
Click on the enter client data details button, or anywhere on bottom bar, to allow client and project details to be entered
To calculate another gutter, Click on the up button, (up to 50 gutters areas can be stored in a single data file). Clicking the copy gutter data button above allows all the previous gutter data to be copied over, then altered.
In this case the outlets will be made unevenly spaced In this case the outlets will be made unevenly spaced. Check the box, and the uneven spacing screen will be displayed. Fill in all but one of the spacings, then click the fill in last spacing button, and the last spacing will be filled in automatically. In this case one pipe is now at the gutter end.
Gutter now fails as one outlet is now taking more roof length Gutter now fails as one outlet is now taking more roof length. The gutter now does not have enough capacity, so the outlets are increased in size to 225mm (maximum that can taper to 150mm) then the auto GutterDepth function used.
Gutter now passes at 174mm deep. Alternatively width could be increased
Alternatively a sump could be introduced, which would reduce the increase in depth to 161mm.
BSEN12056-3:2000, has a very significant loss factor for leafguards BSEN12056-3:2000, has a very significant loss factor for leafguards. As can be seen fitting leafguards drastically reduces capacity. Detailed data can be seen by clicking the data window
The data on this page can be printed out, one gutter to a page The data on this page can be printed out, one gutter to a page. The spacing data can also be printed out, again one gutter to a page
Your Logo and details here The print output from detailed data print and spacing details data print
Your Logo and details here The main print function prints summary data four gutters to a page.
A hopper design tool and weir design tool are also included in the package
Software Demonstration For more details contact CRM on: CRM Gutterflow Software Demonstration For more details contact CRM on: 01204 701934