How can Edify Drive Instruction and Growth?


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Presentation transcript:

How can Edify Drive Instruction and Growth? How and Why we use Edify. What does a true PLC look like using Edify data reports and questions to drive instruction. Provide evidence of growth to celebrate. Getting teacher and student to value assessments. How to use backwards design- assessments are the starting point.

Introductions Jodi Togiai

Why is Assessment Important? Assessments are important to ensure students learn everything they should in a manner that is appropriate. The importance of assessments in schools emerges primarily from the assessment’s role in helping teachers and administrators determine the type and manner in which material is covered in classes. Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lesson are being met.

Make Assessments Meaningful For Students: Classroom assessments that serve as meaningful sources of information don't surprise students. Instead, these assessments reflect the concepts and skills that the teacher emphasized in class, along with the teacher's clear criteria for judging students' performance. These concepts, skills, and criteria align with the teacher's instructional activities and with state standards. Students see these assessments as fair measures of important learning goals. Teachers facilitate learning by providing students with important feedback on their learning progress and by helping them identify learning problems (Bloom, Madaus, & Hastings, 1981; Stiggins, 2002). For Teachers: The best classroom assessments also serve as meaningful sources of information for teachers, helping them identify what they taught well and what needs to be taught differently.

Quick- Reflection/Share Pair Why pre-test and what do I do as the instructor with this information? What is the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment? From what you know right now, what are the most important things you would need to launch a data-driven instructional model in your school? What are ways in which you collect student data and how has this benefited the instruction and learning in your classroom?

ASSESSMENTS are for Data: (and objectives) are meaningless until you define how to assess them-Because of this, assessments are the starting point for instruction, not the end. Formative assessment is daily-Ways to check for understanding! Summative assessment is the skills we want students to know at the end of the unit or course. Standardized tests, such as the Idaho Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) is used to determine whether students have achieved the standards for their grade level and subject area.

How did we EDIFY? 1.We started by department or grade level to create assessments together-using Curriculum Maps, Focus Standards, and Backwards Design. (TIME) 2. Then learned how to run a real PLC going over the Reports/Data together and have that data drive our instruction. (COMMON PREPS) 3. Based on the data and needs of our teachers we planned PD around our results. (SCHOOL & DISTRICT) Our first year of using Edify at MVMS our ISAT ELA percentages went up 15% and Math up 7%!

Standard Based Teaching Must start with standard based Assessments Curriculum maps explain the focus standards for each trimester Assessments will change based on what the data is showing What to Assess? A. Content: What students should know B. Skills: What students should be able to do C. Literacy: What students should be able to do with the text

How to Build Assessments Edify Assess is our data base for assessments A. Quick assessments can be made in Edify based on focus standards B. Manual assessments can be made in Edify by pulling from the question banks based on the focus standards. C. Manual assessments can be made in Edify by typing in your own questions and all questions must be vetted to the correct focus standard. * When manually creating make sure to use DOK1-3 & Blooms

the DOK 3 & 4 Questions: A. Writing Tasks: thematic essay, document based essay, and research or historical investigation paper. B. Authentic Tasks: letter to the editor, policy proposal, public service announcement, and marketing proposal. C. DOK 4 would most likely be the writing of a part of a paper or applying information from one text to another text to develop a persuasive argument. C. Mirror questions from isat interim, isat, act, sat, any example questions from state and national assessments for strategic and extended thinking!

When assessment works best, it does what When assessment works best, it does what? Please write 2 things per circle in your handout

When Assessment works best, it does the following: -Provides feedback for both the teacher and student -Helps educators assess standards -Evaluates progress -Relates to a student’s progress with standard mastery -Motivates performance -Drives instruction and learning

Design small quiz over standards most missed on pre-tests Design DOK questions based on what the data is saying Don’t forget to include performance-based items Create midterm based on data from pre and quiz data Create like questions from state and national assessments Gooru offers resources that are aligned to standards Inspire students to take an active role in standard mastery Inspire students to do their best work on assessments

EdifyAssess powered by silverback Classroom and district assessment-focused on student needs Standard-based assessment with great editing and reporting features Standards aligned assessment creation Automated online & bubble sheet scoring Instant student results to drive data-driven decisions Quick and Manually create using Edify question bank or own questions Modify options Important tool for evaluating and improving student achievement Edify delivers meaningful data with speed, accuracy, security, and efficiency Easy for teachers and students to login Question banks full of DOK level questions Integrated with Milepost

Where did we start with assessment and backwards design? What makes a true PLC? When is the best time to have a PLC? How does a real PLC work? On 3 post it notes Please answer each question and then go post it up on the big poster.

Focused Agenda-example in handout Common prep Build trust and accept data for what it is Develop assessments-revise-go over data to drive instruction Pull up Pre-Post assessment reports in Edify every trimester Start with Edify Stat report flags questions. Based on data from Edify assessments, screener, and isat interim-incorporate all of it in units, and lesson plans, and unit assessments. Gooru is a great place to start for specific lessons/resources on standards. Make changes to instruction and focus. Making changes to curriculum maps and assessments for next year. Based on our data we need reading and writing focus! Using data for what our school needs for professional development. Grouping based on data who needs tier 3, tier 2-flex intervention and core classes. Showing growth -evidence that the work and effort being made is paying off!

I have data…now what do I do with it? Take a look at the Edify StatReport in your handout and reports we handout-please answer these questions with a partner : 1. What is the data telling you? 2. Based on this report what would be the next steps as a department or grade level? 3. How would you use this data to drive instruction?

ALWAYS Based on our data we developed Tier 2 and 3 classes from Reading Screener, Edify Assessments, and ISAT Interims: All data housed in Milepost for RTI - -Tier 2 core classes-group and explicit instruction-at grade level -Tier 3 additional class-closing gaps-most at grade level -Flex intervention focus on reading, math and writing -Data needs to be shared with students to motivate

MVMS Isat summative 2014-15 to 2015-16 (using Edify) 7th grade up 6% ELA 7% Math 8th grade up 14% ELA 4% Math Isat summative 2015-16 to 2016-17 7th grade up 13% ELA 11% Math 8th grade up 3% Math Isat summative 2016-17 to 2017-18 7th grade same % Math 8th grade up 14% ELA 8% Math

Review: Where-What-How We started with Backwards Design: 1 Review: Where-What-How We started with Backwards Design: 1. Curriculum Maps K-12 2. Focus Standards on Maps 3. Assessments in Edify 4. Benchmarks K-6 & Pre/Post per course 7-8 in Edify 5. Edify Reports in PLC/Gooru resources 6. Based on assessment results use data to drive instruction and what PD is needed 7. Learned (based on data) from assessments what needs to be our focus for standard mastery

Of Edify IMMEDIATE-Is the assessment meeting the objectives and learning goals? USER-FRIENDLY- Data reports include analysis at question level, standards level and overall individual, class, and school data. TEACHER-OWNED Analysis-what to do next based on the data, does the assessment make students think critically, analyze, and make inferences? TEST-IN-HAND Analysis: Teacher & PLC together take an active role in making decisions about the purpose of the assessment and the standards being assessed. DEEP-Moves beyond the score/grade to use the data to drive instruction by answering these questions: 1. Are we teaching what we think we are teaching? 2. Are students learning what they are supposed to be learning? 3. Is there a way to teach the subject better, thereby promoting better learning?

Quotes About Edify From Our Students… “The teachers use the data from our assessment to become better teachers. They see what they need to re- teach so we can learn it. We end up learning more and doing better on the next assessment.” “I like the assessments because they help me know what I need to work on. Every time I have a new objective to learn, and my teacher pushes me to keep learning those new standards. I like seeing my results fast and what I need to work on.” “My teacher would do anything to help us understand and do well on our tests. He knows that this can be a hard subject so he will teach and re-teach the lesson until everyone gets it. I like taking the tests on the iPad.” Thank you for your participation today ! Jodi Togiai