Software Quality Engineering QA and Defect: Classification Scheme
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 QA and Defect: Classification Scheme Defects can be classified into 3-Categories. Defect Prevention through Error Source Removal. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 QA and Defect: Classification Scheme Defect Detection through fault detection removal Defect Containment Defect Detection: Actual QA, Code inspection + Test Cases + Design review Defect Containment: Containing defect in local areas to avoid global effect
Software Quality Engineering Pre-Release Defects
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Pre-Release Defects Pre-release defects are Dormant Defects which have potential to create problem to users and customers. Dormant defects are triggered on a specific situation or occur in low priority area. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Example Pre-Release Defects
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Example of Pre-Release Defects Pre-release defects if generated at client sites then depending on impact it has to be fixed but they are usually part of release notes. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Post-Release Defects
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Post-Release Defects Defects in Production or customer site. Company has to pay from their pocket to fix post-release defects Post-Release Defects have higher cost of fixing mainly due to multiple installations Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Example of Post-Release Defects
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Engineering Example of Post-Release Defects Production level bugs have very high cost plus it can hit reputation also.
Software Quality Engineering Defect Prevention Basics
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Defect Prevention Basics Defect prevention are ways to reduce defects and their cost to fix. Assumption is there are known error sources / inappropriate actions. Every error source has to be fixed Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Defect Prevention: Education and Training
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Defect Prevention: Education and Training People factor is one of the critical factor in delivery quality software. Change is the only constant in Software Development. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Defect Prevention: Education and Training Team has to be trained and educated properly At times lack of relevant training leads defects which can be prevented otherwise. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Domain Knowledge
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Domain Knowledge Software Developers are techies not domain specialists. Domain specialists are hired to work along with business analysts / developers. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Domain Knowledge Domain specific knowledge is very important to understand the requirements. Same words may have different meaning in different domains Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Example of Domain Knowledge
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Example of Domain Knowledge To derive appropriate rates and formula there is need of domain specialist. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Lack of Expertise in Phases of SDLC
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Lack of Expertise in Phases of SDLC To ensure delivery of Quality Software adherence to best practices of SDLC is key. Lack of execution details of Phases of SDLC is main cause of defects Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Lack of Expertise in Phases of SDLC For instance Lack of knowledge of Requirement Management or Product integration is root cause of defects Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Lack of Process Knowledge
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Lack of Process Knowledge Process knowledge at team and individual level is essential to prevent defects Creation of Process and on-boarding of Process are two different things Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Example Lack of Process Knowledge
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Example Lack of Process Knowledge Awareness about implementation details of process is very critical for defect prevention Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Defect Reduction
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Defect Reduction Defect prevention help to prevent defects but it can’t ensure 100% Realistically speaking there will be defects no matter how much good defect prevention mechanism is there. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Defect Reduction Vigorous Defect Reduction Process should be in-place to remove defects. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal Inspections are very effective QA alternative to reduce bugs. Inspections are generally conducted to identify smells at any phase of SDLC Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal Usually these are walkthrough of different artifacts to provide another EYE Usually they are applied at Code level to check compliance with different artifacts Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal Inspections are conducted by multiple teams in coordinated way Identify fault and ensure removal. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities
Software Quality Engineering Example of Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance
Software Quality Assurance BG # 1 Example of Inspection: Direct Fault Detection and Removal Decision of using plugins or off-the self solutions should be done after careful review. Defect Prevention: Clarifying human misconceptions or ambiguities