The First Americans Chapter 2 Lesson 1
Land Bridge Theory Between 12,000 and 40,000 years ago, hunting groups began traveling across a land bridge, called Beringia, to follow the animals. They migrated little by little. After thousands of years Asian hunters reached Alaska. As the animals moved South, hunters did too.
Early Arrival theory Some scientists also known as archeologists think the first Americans came to North America on an EARLIER bridge or boats of some kind, before Beringia. They think this because of very old objects that were found that belonged to humans. Some artifacts that were found were: tools, paintings and footprints.
Paintings Tools
Origin Stories Some people do not believe the first Americans EVER came from Asia. Many Native Americans believe their ancestors were always in America. Native Americans use origin stories to tell about how the world began.
The first Americans came SO long ago no one REALLY knows how the first Americans arrived. Which theory do you believe????