Screen and Image Resolution 1.02 Investigate image editing.
1.02 Investigate image editing. Types of Images Clip Art – premade graphics that are available online and in many software packages; may be vector or raster Photographs – raster images that contain millions of colors and realistic images Art Work – computer created drawings or paintings; may be raster or vector Which type of image is appropriate? Select images that reflect the purpose and theme of the document Use images to convey meaning and communicate, not to decorate 1.02 Investigate image editing.
The quality of an image is dependent upon two factors: Resolution Aspect Ratio 1.02 Investigate image editing.
Resolution The number of pixels per inch (PPI) displayed on a monitor to compose and image The higher the resolution, the higher the level of detail As resolution is increased on the monitor, detail is emphasized and image size is reduced 1024x768 Industry Standard 640x480 1.02 Investigate image editing.
1.02 Investigate image editing. Types of Resolution PPI – pixels per inch The number of pixels displayed (not contained) in an image SPI – samples per inch Information about how to display a scanned, printed, or digital image DPI – dots per inch Dots of ink or toner in a printed image The lower the DPI of a printer, the less detailed the image will be LPI – lines per inch Printing resolution 1.02 Investigate image editing.
1.02 Investigate image editing. Aspect Ratio What’s the answer? Aspect Ratio – relationship of an object’s width to its height An original image that is 1”x 1” has a resolution of 100 PPI What is the effect on the resolution of enlarging the image to 2”x 2”? What happens to the image quality? Suppose an image has a resolution of 100 pixels per square inch and is 1 inch square. If you resize the image so that it is two inches square, it becomes 50 pixels per inch which reduces the resolution by half and also reduces the image quality. 1.02 Investigate image editing.
1.02 Investigate image editing. Resizing an Image A small image that is enlarged is easily distorted. Pixels are not added, just enlarged Better to start with a large image and make it smaller File size will remain the same An image must be edited to reduce file size. You will notice that by stretching an image to make it larger, it gets fuzzy and distorted. This is because the computer just makes a really small square (pixel) of data larger or wider as per your directions. The end result, as you can see, is a distorted image. For this reason, it is easier to start with a large image and make it smaller than to go the other way and try to make a small image larger than its original intended size. And remember: Compare the two images. If you were to compare the properties of both images, (by right clicking and scrolling down to properties on each image) you would see that it is the same image, but more importantly they have the same file size, although one is way bigger than the other one 1.02 Investigate image editing.