Morning Traffic Review Unit 3 Week 5
Vocabulary Words pawn remote rummage reception resume rustling simultaneous
pawn lowest ranking piece in chess
reception the quality of sound produced in a radio or other device; formal celebration
remote far away; distant; isolated
resume to begin again
rummage to search in a disorderly way
rustling moving or acting with energy or speed
simultaneous existing, done, or happening at the same time; synchronized
More Words to Know A suffix is a meaningful word part added to the end of a word. The Latin suffix –ion means “the act or process of, the result of, or the state or condition of being.” The suffix –less means “without.”
More Words to Know ceaseless completion impression penniless effortless
ceaseless unstopping; unending
completion the state of being finished
impression mark; the effect produced by an influence
penniless without any money
effortless without any hard work
Draw Conclusions When you draw a conclusion, you form a reasonable opinion about something you have read. Drawing conclusions is related to making inferences. Use what you know about real life (prior knowledge) Use details from the text
Look Back and Write (Pg. 472, #5) What does it usually mean to be stuck “in morning traffic”? Other than on the roads, where was there morning traffic in the play? Before responding, reread pages 456-458 and 464-468. Also note the title and illustration on the opening page. Give specific examples to support your answers.