Mon 10/23 1st period IB CHM 2 EQ: Why is a salt bridge necessary in a voltaic cell? Due: HW: Q’s pg. 380 do #9-13 Notes: Topic 9 cont.


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Presentation transcript:

Mon 10/23 1st period IB CHM 2 EQ: Why is a salt bridge necessary in a voltaic cell? Due: HW: Q’s pg. 380 do #9-13 Notes: Topic 9 cont. HW: Q’s pg. 390 do #15

Mon 10/23 2nd, 4th,5th, & 7th per. Chem 1 EQ: What is the energy of a photon of X-ray radiation with a frequency of 7.49 x 1018/s? Due HW: Q’s pg. 148 do #24 & 25 Notes: Ch 5 Electrons in atoms HW: Q’s pg. 153 do #62, 63, 64, & 66

Mon 10/23 3rd period IB CHM EQ: State and explain how the first ionization energy of calcium compares with that of potassium Due HW: Q’s pg. 79 #15 and exam style questions pgs. 80-82 5_assess_T2.pdf HW: Study for Topic 2 test tomorrow (Tues)

EQ: State and explain how the first ionization energy of calcium compares with that of potassium There are various contributing factors here. The most important one is that when the first electron is removed, it is removed from the fourth shell (main energy level), but the second electron is removed from the third shell; an electron in the third shell is closer to the nucleus and therefore more strongly held. Other factors may also be mentioned: the first electron is removed from a neutral atom, but the second is removed from a positive ion − it is more difficult to remove a negatively charged electron from a positive ion than from a neutral atom; once the first electron has been removed, there is less electron– electron repulsion − all electrons are pulled in more closely and the ion is smaller so all electrons are held more tightly. [3]

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Clear your area, bags in shelves, cell phones off and put away Tues 10/24 3rd period IB CHM EQ: no question today Topic 2 Test Clear your area, bags in shelves, cell phones off and put away

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Fri 10/27 1st period IB CHM 2 EQ: What is BOD? What does BOD tell you about water quality? Due: HW: Q’s pg. 392 #16 & 17 Take notes on pgs. 382-384 Demo: Voltaic cell (if possible today) HW: Q’s pg. 385 do #14

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