The first Gifted Education Center in Romania for gifted children (High IQ Kids) A unique project to answer a high social demand for an early childhood education of excellence
WHO WE ARE Centrul Gifted Education is a non-profit organization acting in the alternative education field, targeting particularily gifted children. Mission Our mission is to discover and to develop the potential of high ability children with an education of excellence. We aim at developing the best internationally validated curricula for developing their natural abilities, creating best practices in education and configurating networks of talented teachers and mentors. Vision An enriching environment where children can be nourished in their great abilities and aptitudes to grow and develop to their maximum potential. We are self-catered, self-organized. Like a living cell in a large organism called the Society we live in. But we take full responsibility in our work and we work hard to support the kids we discover.
OUR VALUES Daring to use the human intelligence and creativity in our children in order to shape the future. Commitment in ensuring a harmonious development in respect to nature and divine nature of the human being. Drive in supporting high ability learners to reach educational performance. Cohesion of the talent and action to drive success, human progress, and sustainable development. Gifted children are those children with high desire to work on their talent. The priceless resources of any nation.
WHO DO WE TARGET 2% globally are gifted people. In Romania, we advance the percent to be double, 4%. Amongst children of 9-12 years of age, the percentage of gifted kids could be around 10-20%. In May 2010, we have selected 1000 kids, out of which, 835 were tested at international level. The results were overwhelming: 338 (38%) kids were identified with superior intelligence, being among top 5% amongst children of their age. They have a high risk of social disapproval and rejection They have a high risk of social alienation, depression, school abandon, even suicide and crimes. They have special needs for differentiated education, counceling, parenting They waste: Most of the them are underachievers (50% according to international research, and more recently, in 2010, UK study shows that 97% get wasted, by underperforming) Get cornered in the society They risk alienation and can grow to become antisocial Gifted Children
“School of Excellence” WHAT WE DO Enrichment Classes specially designed for gifted to develop the multiple intelligences and natural abilities for lifelong learning, for a harmonious development “School of Excellence” Exceptional quality of education with the right benefits for gifted kids Top quality relationship with parents (parenting, consulting) 100% satisfaction rate among gifted children (2014 Report of Satisfaction of Gifted Education Academic program beneficiaries) The opportunity to discover, promote and develop the natural abilities and potential of children through gifted education methodologies Support for gifted & talented children to be authentically happy The first Gifted Education Center in Romania offers National and international visibility for the project of education of excellence 2010-2012: Over 60 kids were supported with more than 400 hours of enrichment classes in the “School of Excellence” “The gifted kids selected at the School of Excellence have probably seen more trainers than perhaps a child in a normal school will NOT see in his / her entire life”
WHAT WE DO School of Excellence = 100% Satisfaction Rate among Gifted Kids
WHAT OTHER SAY ABOUT US “I write to assure you of our support in your efforts to establish a National Center and a national presence to advocate for gifted children in Romania. [...] Our research at our Center had found that talent development is a process that requires both time and effort on the parts of the schools and families. Schools can and should be a place where students learn who they are and how to make the most of the gifts they have been given. [...] Accordingly, your efforts to provide educational experiences, to train teachers, to provide the right environment for gifted students in Romania will make the most difference.” Sally Reis, Ph.D – Board of Trustees Distinguished Proffesor, University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education, National Research Center on the Gifted, Department of Educational Psychology, and Joseph Renzulli – Director of the National Research Center on the Gifted
The cost of education for a child per year includes: WHY WE NEED HELP Annually we discover tens of gifted kids. Some have, but most of them don’t have the financial capacity to support the cost of their education at sub-cost level. Nota bene: we are a non-profit with zero employees; we work only with subcontractors and we also don’t add the real costs of our work, which involves many extra-long-hours. The cost of education for a child per year includes: Trainings specially tailored to gifted kids Counseling Work with psychologists Educational materials Parental trainings Coaching Diplomas Events Trips
HOW YOU CAN HELP Sponsor the Annual Cost of Education for a Gifted Child 1. Annual Cost of Education at School of Excellence / 1 child of 9-12 years old= 3200 EUR. Support a min. of 2 children for 1 Study YEAR= 6400 EUR 2. Annual Cost of Education at School of Excellence / 1 child of 6-8 years old = 2900 EUR. Support a min. of 2 children for 1 Study YEAR= 5800 EUR 3. Use your 2% redirection. Get details click here. Use the deductibility of the minimum sum below 0.3% on sales revenue or 20% on the profit tax. Get details click here.
Help gifted children to study at the level of their ability! HOW YOU CAN HELP You could support a gifted child who has the merits, but has no financial means, and meet him/her personally to decide and feel before you act. It could mean a lot and develop the sense of gratitude and pay it forward which is also highly recommended for the education and welfare of the children. Get Involved! Pay it forward! Help gifted children to study at the level of their ability! Support us!
OUR PARTNERS Academic Partners: International Audit Global Consulting Project: Others who support the cause: 11
THANK YOU! Contact: Project Manager Monica Gheorghiu “All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual” Contact: Project Manager Monica Gheorghiu +4 0735 759 539 Our story in Pictures: Join us on Facebook: Gifted Education Group