Proposed TP2 topics for WG Bold are critical items Noise 95 (back reflection spec or method/setup) 98 (scope vs. spectrum analyzer method for SNR; AC coupling?) Jitter 108 (jitter waveform figure) 147 (uncorrelated jitter magnitude) TWDP 96 (editorial updates to code) 146 (channels, EQ lengths, limits) more consideration with real Tx’s work with TP3 83 (OMA definitions – critical) Test patterns (no comment) Mask 145 (role of PE waveforms and impact to mask) 64 (low cutoff frequency for mask test)
“good” eyes from lab can give higher penalties than 47 “good” eyes from lab can give higher penalties than 47.1 ps Gaussian (similar observation as Intel presentation) 1207-01 1207-02 115-01c 115-02c 50+25 DFE 10+4 DFE
Finisar pre-emphasized eyes 01c 05c 50+25 DFE 10+4 DFE