DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU COACH? LEADERSHIP NEEDED TODAY! Mike Kirschner Head Coach Ben Davis High School State Champions 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2014, 2017 Email:
Importance of Leadership – With today’s Social Issues 13.7 Million single parents in U. S. Today These single parents are raising 21.8 Million children or 26% of the nations children under 21 years of age 82.2%of custodial parents are female of which 61% are under the age of 40 36.8% of single mothers have never been married 76% of single mothers have fulltime jobs 30.4% of single mothers and their children live below the poverty line
Importance of Leadership Cont. 6000 teens become alcoholics every day 3 million teens are problem drinkers 13 teens commit suicide every day 1 million teens attempt suicide each year – 5400 per day 65% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes 750,000 teens become pregnant each year 1 million teens runaway each year 7000 teens drop out of high school each day 71% high school dropouts are from fatherless homes Power of Influence – Book the Difference We Make – Average person influences 10,000 people in their life time 75% of the players at the 2011 NFL combine grew up without a dad and when asked who is their male role model their answer a coach. (ERIC BARTON)
Importance of Leadership Cont. If a teenager has seen 4 or more adverse childhood experiences then this leads to what they call toxic stress This can be violence, crimes, drugs, poverty, abuse, etc. When this takes place they are subject to the following: 7% more likely to become alcoholics 12% more likely to become drug users 14% more likely to commit suicide 1 in 10 children in danger in their own home
Importance of Leadership Cont. This toxic stress leads the person to be exhausted most of the time Their brain is always reacting to any threat – your rational thinking brain shuts down while the part of the brain that wants to fight and act out is working Takes a minimum of 18’ for the bad part to relax and the good brain to refocus when they are in a toxic state Sports/Physical activity actually helps stimulate the good part of the brain and quite the bad
LEADERSHIP-EVERYONE COUNTS Butterfly Effect Norman Borlaug – 1940’s hybridized high yield, disease resistant corn and wheat for arid climates Credited with saving 2 billion people and received numerous accolades for his work But should he have received the credit? Maybe Vice President Henry Wallace who hired Norman to do the work deserves the credit Or maybe it was a little known farmer hundreds of years ago from Diamond, Missouri who deserves the credit?
Joshua Chamberlin-A man of Action “These poor men . . . their leader has no real knowledge of warfare or tactics. I am only a stubborn man. That is my greatest advantage in this fight. I have deep within me the inability to do nothing. I may die today, but I will not die with a bullet in my back. I will not die in retreat. I am , at least, like the Apostle Paul, who wrote, ‘This one thing I do . . . I press toward the mark.” “When I am faced with a choice of doing nothing or doing something, I will always choose to act. I am a person of action” Leaders are people of ACTION! Story of Joan of Arc
Everyone Counts, Continued You must ask yourself – Do I make a difference? When I Move? When I Act? When I Do Something? When you know that everything matters – that every move counts as much as any other – you will begin living a life of permanent purpose. Attention to detail – Napoleon and the Battle of Waterloo – everything matters
Deepest Fear From the movie – Coach Carter “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Share Your Life Story?
Share Your Life Story Each Member of the group, including the instructor, will share his life story. Get the members of the group to open up Share personal moments Realize you are not alone Realize people’s feelings Follow with group discussion How can you use this to help yourself How can you use this to help others How can you use this to help in the community How can you use this to influence the team
8 CHARACTERISTICS OF A GREAT LEADER Trustworthy Foundation of how you act as a human being, a person, and a member of society Knowledgeable Focus on mastering your craft – be the best that ever was Passionate Passion generates enthusiasm which builds success
CHARACTERISTICS OF A LEADER CONTINUED Take Ownership You are either coaching it or you are allowing it to happen. Baseball CEO former major league players picking up a piece of trash Ben Davis Football team on Thursday after practice Personal Courage and Mental Toughness Martin Luther King “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy” Good Communicator The most important trait a leader can have
CHARACTERISTICS OF A LEADER CONTINUED Teacher and Motivator Define, model, and shape people every day. John Wooden “If you can not teach and you can not motivate, you can not lead” Compassionate Leaders must demonstrate personal concern for and have a sincere interest in helping the people they are working with.
WHAT LEADS TO FAILURE EVERYTIME Jealousy – must wipe out selfishness and pettiness A know it all mentality – take constructive criticism Outside influences tend to create a negative perception Off the field talk – pick the team of self Need people of strength not whiners Immaturity – do your job
MOTIVATING PEOPLE What motivates you may not motivate them Find a way to communicate to them Find out what is important to them, interest, activities etc. They do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care We have the chance to change the world one PERSON at a time. “We can’t do everything at once, but, by God, we can do something at once!’ Changing the world begins with a single act.” Calvin Coolidge