Legislatures and Legislators: Functions of Government, Formulating Policy and Implementing it
Presidential v. Parliamentarianism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4quK60FUvkY Parliamentarianism: Prime Minister PM & Cabinet are members of a legislature fusion of powers - executive and legislative branches are mixed, share power 5 yr term limits, unless PM/majority party loses confidence of the legislature (H of C) PM has not limitation on term limits…….W. L. M. King served 22 years as Canadian PM! Majority v. Minority (coalition) Presidentialism: President President & Cabinet are separate from legislature (House of Representatives/Senate) separation of powers – executive and legislative branches are separate bodies elected by citizens checks and balances – limits each branch’s power 4 yr term limit (max. 2 terms for President….FDR, 1933-1944) President accountable to voters, not legislature….elections held at set intervals Hybrid (France, Russia) President nominates PM, but latter must enjoy the confidence of parliament Both can claim a mandate from the people, which leads to often uneasy relations Of the two system – Presidentialism and Parliamentarianism – which is better?
Advantages/Disadvantages Presidentialism stability in executive popular election independent legislature separation of powers pan-national view danger of gridlock fixed terms = rigidness? waste of experience (see George W. Bush?) winner takes all Concentration of power in a presidency – too much dependent on only one person exaggerated by media, and leads to unrealistic expectations (see Barack Obama?) Parliamentarianism more flexible political process encourages compromise power sharing, coalitions PM can lose confidence of legislators promotion of MPs to Cabinet tighter discipline (party solidarity) too much power invested in the PM’s office