Webinar: ESSA Improvement Planning Requirements


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Presentation transcript:

Webinar: ESSA Improvement Planning Requirements Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson and Laura Meushaw Federal Programs Unit March 16, 2018

ESSA Statutory Requirements (CS Schools) ESSA §1111(d) School Support and Improvement (1) Local educational agencies (LEAs) with schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS) shall, for each identified school, in partnership with stakeholders, locally develop a comprehensive support and improvement plan for the school to improve student outcomes, that – Is informed by all ESSA indicators, including student performance on state-determined long-term goals. Includes evidence-based interventions. Is based on a school-level needs assessment. Identifies resource inequities, which may include a review of LEA (district) and school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of such comprehensive support and improvement plan. Is approved by the school, LEA (district), and state educational agency.

ESSA Statutory Requirements (TS & ATS Schools) ESSA §1111(d) School Support and Improvement (2) Each school identified for targeted (TS) or additional (ATS) targeted support and improvement shall locally develop, in partnership with stakeholders, and implement a targeted support and improvement plan to improve student outcomes based on ESSA indicators for each student groups that resulted in the school’s identification that – Is informed by all ESSA indicators, including student performance on state- determined long-term goals. Includes evidence-based interventions. Is approved by the local educational agency prior to implementation. Is monitored, upon submission and implementation, by the local educational agency. Results in additional action following unsuccessful implementation after a district-determined timeline. For ATS, identifies resource inequities, which may include a review of local educational agency and school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of such plan.

State Educational Agency (CDE) Responsibilities ESSA §1111(d)(3) CDE shall provide technical assistance to each district serving a significant number of identified schools. CDE shall periodically review resource allocation to support school improvement in each district with a significant number of identified schools. CDE may take action to initiate additional improvement in any district with schools that are consistently identified for CS and not meeting exit criteria; or Has a significant number of schools implementing targeted support and improvement plans.

CS and TS Planning Requirements CS plan Approved by school, LEA and CDE Developed in consultation with stakeholders Use UIP to meet plan requirements: Informed by student performance Includes school-level needs assessment Identifies evidence-based interventions Address resource inequities Formula and other ESSA funds may support strategies CDE monitors plan implementation CDE offers planning support TS Plan Approved by school and LEA. If applying for funds, then CDE will review plan. May use the UIP to meet plan requirements: Informed by student performance for disaggregated group(s) Additional Targeted also addresses resource inequities LEA monitors plan implementation. If awarded funds, CDE will monitor too. UFPA

What is an ESSA Improvement Plan in Colorado? CS Improvement Plan The school Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) – with added components - from any school identified for comprehensive support and improvement TS Improvement Plan The school Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) from any school identified for targeted or additional targeted support and improvement Any plan designed by the district that meets all of the ESSA improvement plan requirements

When are They Due? CS Improvement Plans TS Improvement Plans April 16, 2018, via the UIP submission process TS Improvement Plans To be determined by the district

How and When Will They Be Reviewed and Approved? CS Improvement Plans By using a rubric that checks for consistency with ESSA improvement requirements and allows for feedback on how to meet requirements Target date ~ June 30, 2018 Changes will need to be implemented during 2018-2019 Revisions must be included in the 2019 UIP CDE will provide training, technical assistance, and support TS Improvement Plans May use the CS plan review rubric or use it as a model to develop a local one Target date ~ to be determined by the district Changes will be due before plan is implemented District must establish the timeline for additional action if unsuccessful in implementing the plan

Expectations, in General for CS Schools Stakeholder involvement Needs assessment ~ reasons identified for ESSA Support and Improvement All ESSA indicators All students and each disaggregated group ELs SWDs Economically disadvantaged Each major race/ethnicity Using evidence-based interventions or strategies that address identified needs and the ESSA indicators that led to the school’s identification for support and improvement Process for monitoring and evaluating and making adjustments Process for identifying and addressing resource inequities

Expectations with Specifics - Now and Moving Forward

Stakeholder Involvement ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Section of UIP 2017-2018 Expectations 2018-2019 The ESSA improvement plan (or UIP) was developed with stakeholders having a significant role in the development process, including but not limited to reviewing the reasons for the school’s identification for ESSA support and improvement, the school’s performance on each ESSA indicator, prioritization of indicators based on ESSA indicators and selection of interventions or strategies for improving identified needs. Data Narrative – Brief Description CDE will provide feedback in spring of 2018 on the level of stakeholder engagement Approval of the 2019 UIP will require description of meaningful stakeholder involvement, which had been started at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Needs Assessment ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Section of UIP 2017-2018 Expectations 2018-2019 The ESSA improvement plan (or UIP) includes the results of a school-level needs assessment with a summary of the school’s performance on ESSA indicators for all students, economically disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, English learners and students from major races/ethnicities.   ESSA Indicators: Academic achievement on English language arts and math Academic growth on English language arts and math English language proficiency Graduation rates for high schools School quality and student success indicator Dropout rate for high schools Chronic absenteeism for elementary and middle schools Data Narrative – Current Performance Notable Trends Root Cause Priority Performance Challenge CDE feedback will be based on the level at which schools consider and respond to, each ESSA indicator, for all students and each disaggregated group for which the school has low performance Approval of the 2019 UIP will require description of the consideration of, and response to, each ESSA indicator, for all students and each disaggregated group for which the school has low performance, with such analyses having been started at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

Using EBI to Address the Reasons for Identification ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Section of UIP 2017-2018 Expectations 2018-2019 The strategies and interventions in the ESSA improvement plan (or UIP) consider and respond to the reasons the school was identified for ESSA improvement and support, including the ESSA indicators that were prioritized for improvement; the research behind the selected strategies meet the definition and criteria for evidence-based interventions (EBI) under ESSA. Addresses reason(s) for identification for support and improvement under ESSA – specifies which ESSA indicators were low performing   Major Improvement Strategies under “Evidence-base supporting the strategy.” Bold italicized items would not be expected to meet ESSA requirements in the plan at this time CDE will provide guidance and support for how to build this section into future plans Approval of the 2019 UIP will require description of all strategies meeting ESSA requirements on this indicator and those strategies and interventions having been identified and initiated at the beginning of the 2018-2019 school year

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Adjusting As Needed ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Section of UIP 2017-2018 Expectations 2018-2019 Improvement plan includes processes for monitoring and evaluating the impact of the selected EBI and adjusting or modifying any strategies or interventions that are not producing desired improvements. Incorporate into Action Plan – Interim Measures and Implementation Benchmarks Bold italicized items would not be expected to meet ESSA requirements in the plan at this time   CDE will provide guidance and support for how to build this section into future plans Approval of the 2019 UIP will require description of how such processes were developed and implemented in the 2018-2019 school year

ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Resource Inequities ESSA Improvement Plan Requirements Section of UIP 2017-2018 Expectations 2018-2019 The plan includes a process for identifying resource inequities, describes any inequities that have been identified, and how the school and district will address them. Incorporate into Data Narrative – Root Cause Analysis Or Resource section of the Action Plan Bold italicized items would not be expected to meet ESSA requirements in the plan at this time   CDE will provide guidance and support for how to build this section into future plans Approval of the 2019 UIP will require development and implementation of strategies for identifying and addressing resource inequities in the 2018-2019 school year

ESSA Planning Requirements Connections to UIP UIP Connection CS TS Additional TS LEA ensures a plan is developed with stakeholders (including school leaders, teachers and parents). Data Narrative – Brief Description  Plan is informed by student performance against state-determined long-term goals (i.e., School Performance Framework). Data Narrative – Current Performance Plan includes evidence based interventions. Major Improvement Strategy or Action Step Plan includes a school-level needs assessment. Data Narrative – Trend Analysis, Priority Performance Challenge, Root Cause Analysis   Plan addresses resource inequities. Data Narrative – Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan School, LEA and SEA must approve plan. ESSA requirements are documented within the UIP template Only LEA approves plan prior to implementation. LEA may choose the format, possibly the UIP, to document ESSA requirements Upon approval and implementation, SEA monitors and periodically reviews plan. CS schools on accountability clock submit Jan 15.  CS schools not on accountability clock submit April 15 for CDE review LEA monitors and review plan, upon submission and implementation. LEA sets timeline

Proposed Timeline for CS Improvement Plans Entity Activity Timeline Avenue CDE Provide overview and general guidance on ESSA planning requirements January 2017 - present Several ESSA presentations and webinars CDE website CDE Update Develop general feedback to early UIP submitters (January 2018) March 13, 2018 UIP Review Process Provide training on the review and approval process and rubric March 16, 2018 1:00 to 3:00 Webinar Info: ESSA Planing Requirments Webinar 1-866-684-8605 Communicate general feedback and guidance to all CS schools March 23, 2018 Email to districts of CS schools LEA Submit CS improvement plans April 16, 2018 UIP Submission Process Review and approve CS implement plans, provide feedback on required changes ~ June 30, 2018 UIP Email to district of CS schools Implement change(s) and describe in the 2019 UIP 2018-2019 April 2019 Provide TA and review resource allocations Ongoing Multiple pathways - TBD

Proposed Timeline and Work on TS Improvement Plans Entity Activity Timeline Avenue CDE Develop guidance on TS Improvement Plans April 2018 CDE website Finalize and publish CS Improvement Plan rubric and review process to serve as a model for LEAs with TS schools, if they want to use it Develop a TS plan template that meets TS requirements April 16, 2018 By May, 2018 CDE Update CDE website on ESSA Improvement Requirements LEA Develop a template for TS plans May use the UIP template By 2018-2019 TBD by LEA Develop a review and approval process Identify and publish examples of LEA review and approval tools and processes By 2019-2010 Provide TA and periodically review resource allocations of districts with a significant number of identified schools Ongoing Multiple pathways - TBD

Other Feedback Needed Should the improvement plan, rubric and review/approval process differ for Schools identified due to low participation? AECs? K-2 schools? Small schools? If so, how? Should the improvement plan, rubric and review/approval process be the same or different for TS versus ATS schools?

Contact Information Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson Mohajeri-nelson_n@cde.state.co.us 303-866-6205 Laura Meushaw Meushaw_l@cde.state.co.us 303-866-6618 Opportunity for Input Enter your email in the Chat Box if you would like for us to share the DRAFT rubric