Year 7 Les devoirs Summer 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 7 Les devoirs Summer 1

Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term 1 L’Ecole tu aimes?   Year 7 french * Knowledge organiser * summer term 1 L’Ecole tu aimes? Vocabulaire CREATE A TYPICAL SCHOOL DAY ROUTINE: What you do before school, at school and after school. What do you know about school in France? Can you compare with your school in UK? Independent Learning. Independent Reading/ Listening and Grammar work on your Kerboodle e-book  Memrise App – weekly challenges to help you memorise topical vocabulary. Use language from previous topics: What do you eat before school? What are you teachers like? How would your daily routine be different?  

Due Thursday 26th /Friday 27th April Homework 1 Write the following numbers out in words in French: 1.The year your grandparents/parents were born 2.How many grams in half a kilo? 3.The cost of a return flight to Paris. 4.Your house number. 5.The number of miles between Nottingham and Cardiff 6.The weight of a packet of biscuits. 7.Your height in centimetres. Look for items around your house with numbers on see if you can say them in French.

Due Thursday 3rd /Friday 4th May Homework 2 Research – the ingredients that make up one the following typical French dishes Soupe à l'oignon. Ratatouille. Beef bourguignon. Chocolate soufflé. Flamiche. Nicoise salad. Research the recipe and write out the ingredients in French. Use (online dictionary) to find the French (write the English in brackets). Illustrate your recipe with a picture of the finished dish. Can you give an opinion on your dish and why? Je pense que c’est… A mon avis c’est…

Due Thursday 23rd /Friday 24th May Homework 3 Research – the favourite school subjects of your friends and family – ask them what they like in French and then translate the question and their answers into English. What do you think will be the most popular subject? Quelle est ta matière préféré? Tu aimes….? Pourquoi? Est-ce que tu aimes……..? L’histoire, tu aimes ça? Translate the following sentence: J’adore l’SVT car je pense que c’est très interessant et passionant. Write a sentence about someone else’s favourite subject. Ma mère adore les maths care elle pense que c’est assez utile.