Spanish Basics Guide It is as simple as 1-2-3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Present – Yo estudio hoy. Future – Yo voy a estudiar mañana. Past – Yo estudié ayer.
Part 1 - Subjects Who is doing the action? Yo I Nosotros We (m) Nosotras We (f) (CS)… y yo … and I Tú You (familiar) Vosotros You all (fam/pl/m) Vosotras You all (fam/pl/f) Él He Ella She Usted You (formal) (singular noun) Ellos They (m) Ellas They (f) Ustedes You all (formal/pl) (plural noun) (CS) … y … … and …
Part 2 - Verbs What is the action? Basic verbs are called infinitives English – to … Spanish - …ar, …er,…ir All verbs in any tense in Spanish have two parts: Stems and Endings. The stem is generally what one has when the ar, er, or ir is dropped. Habl – ar Com – er Viv - ir
Part 2 – Regular Verbs Present Drop the the ar, er, ir to find the stem. 2. Add the correct endings AR ER IR Hablar Comer Vivir to speak to eat to live Habl - o Habl - amos Habl - as Habl - a Habl - an Com - o Com - emos Com - es Com- e Com - en Viv - o Viv - imos Viv - es Viv - e Viv - en
Part 2 – Common Reg. Verbs Present AR ER IR buscar (to look for) aprender (to learn) abrir (to open) comprar (to buy) beber (to drink) escribir (to write) trabajar (to work) comer (to eat) describir (to describe) caminar (to walk) correr (to run) recibir (to receive) estudiar (to study) vender (to sell) subir (to go up) pagar (to pay) leer (to read) decidir (to decide) llamar (to call) creer (to believe) sufrir (to suffer) mirar (to watch) meter (to put into) permitir (to permit) usar (to use) temer (to fear) vivir (to live) trabajar (to work) deber (should…) tomar (to take, drink) necesitar (to need) pasar (to pass, spend time)
Part 2 – Stem Changing Verbs A stem changing verb has a spelling change in the part called the stem. (u-ue, e-ie, o-ue, e-i) Stem changes in the present tense happen in boxes 1, 2, 3 and 5 or what is referred to as “the boot. e-ie (preferir) o-ue (dormir) e-I (servir) (servir) Hablar Comer Vivir to speak to eat to live prefier - o prefer - imos prefier - es prefier- e prefier - en duerm - o dorm - imos duerm - es duerm- e duerm - en sirv - o serv - imos sirv - es sirv - e sirv - en
Part 2 – Common stem changing verbs e-ie o-ue e-i pensar (to think) dormir (to sleep) pedir (to ask for) entender (to understand) almorzar (to eat lunch) servir (to serve) comenzar (to begin) contar (to count) decir (to tell) empezar (to start) doler (to hurt, ache) vestir (to dress) cerrar (to close) volver (to return) repetir (to repeat) mentir (to lie) mostrar (to show) medir (to measure) sentir (to feel) llover (to rain) seguir (to follow) sugerir (to suggest) encontrar (to find) corregir (to correct) recomendar (to recommend) resolver (to solve) elegir (to elect) perder (to lose) costar (to cost) bendecir (to bless) preferir (to prefer) volar (to fly) freír (to fry) negar (to deny) poder (to be able to) competir (to compete) querer (to want) soñar (to dream) gemir (to groan) nevar (to snow) recordar (to remember) despedir (to fire) despertarse (to wake-up) morder (to bite) reuñir (to quarrel, scold) quebrar (to break) mover (to move) conseguir (to obtain)
The “SUPER TEN IRREGULARS” Possibilities are virtually limitless once students master the following very common usage irregular verbs: estar, ser, tener, gustar, ir, querer, dar, ir, hacer and haber. ser to be soy somos eres es son estar to be estoy estamos estás está están tener to have tengo tenemos tienes tiene tienen ir to go voy vamos vas va van dar to give doy damos das da dan hacer to do hago hacemos haces hace hacen poner to put, set pongo ponemos pones pone ponen haber there is (are) hay saber to know sé sabemos sabes sabe saben gustar to like gusta gustan
Part 2 – Irreg. “go” verbs Verbs that are irregular because the YO form ends in “GO”. These verbs “tend to be” regular in the other four conjugated forms. Hacer Tener Poner ha - go hac - emos hac - es hac- e hac - en ten - go ten - emos tien - es tien- e tien - en pon - go pon - emos pon - es pon - e pon - en
Part 2 – Common “go” verbs Tener to have Salir to leave Venir to come Decir to say, tell Bendecir to bless Poner to put, place Hacer to do, make *Caer to fall *Traer to bring *add “igo” to yo form, not just “go”
Part 2 – Irreg. “vowel + cer, cir” verbs MOST of these verbs fall into a pattern of the c and the end of the stem changing to zc in the yo form and then add the o ending. producir conducir conocer produ - zco produc - imos produc - es produc- e produc - en condu - zco conduc - imos conduc - es conduc- e conduc - en cono - zco conoc - emos conoc - es conoc - e conoc - en
Part 2 – Common “vowel +cir, cer” verbs Conocer - to know (a person) Agradecer - to thank Aparecer - to appear Desparecer - to disappear Establecer - to establish Obedecer - to obey Ofrecer - to offer Permanacer - to remain Conducir - to drive Producir - to produce Reducir - to reduce Traducir - to translate
Part 2 – Irreg. “consonant + cer, cir” verbs MOST of these verbs fall into a pattern of the c and the end of the stem changing to z in the yo form and then add the o ending. convencer ejercer conven - zo convenc - emos conven - es convenc- e convenc - en ejer – zo ejerc - emos ejerc - es ejerc - e ejerc - en
Part 2 – Irreg. “ger, gir” verbs MOST of these verbs fall into a pattern of the g at the end of the stem changing to j in the yo form and then add the o ending. escoger esco - jo escog - emos escog - es escog- e escog - en
Part 2 – Common “vowel +gir, ger” verbs coger - to grasp corregir - to correct recoger - to pick up elegir - to elect proteger - to protect
Part 2 – Verbs used with infinitives Present querer to want quiero queremos quieres quiere quieren To express what you want to do: Yo quiero comprar café mañana. I want to buy coffee tomorrow. poder to be able to podemos puedes puede pueden To express what you can do: Yo puedo trabajar hoy. I can work today. Ir + a + inf to go voy a vamos a vas a va a van a To express what you are going to do: Yo voy a estudiar mañana. I am going to study tomorrow.
Part 2 – Verbs used with infinitives Present tener que to have to tengo que tenemos que tienes que tiene que tienen que To express what you have to do: Yo tengo que trabajar mañana. I have to work tomorrow. deber should, ought to debo debemos debes debe deben To express what you should do: Yo debo estudiar hoy. I should study today. gustar to like Me gusta Nos gusta Te gusta Le gusta Les gusta To express what you like to do: Me gusta bailar y cantar.. I like to sing and dance.
Part 2 – Verbs used with infinitives Present tener ganas de to feel like tengo ganas de tenemos ganas de tienes ganas de tenéis ganas de tiene ganas de tienen ganas de To express what you feel like doing: Yo tengo ganas de trabajar mañana. I feel like working tomorrow. encantar to love Me gusta Nos gusta Te gusta Le gusta Les gusta To express what you love to do: Me encanta bailar y cantar.. I love to sing and dance.
podemos dices Camino trabaja vivimos tienen puedes ladran crece salen lloro bailamos Juegas siento sale sigue