Paula L Smith Introduction Instructional Design Models
Paula L Smith INTRODUCTION Mission To transform and empower lives in a global technology driven society. Paula L Smith
Paula L. Smith BIO Paula is a native of Houston and currently lives in North Dallas. She is an Ordained Minister, worked in the information technology industry for over 30 years and has over 15 years instructional training and curriculum design. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts from Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary. Paula is a Microsoft® Certified Trainer, Certified Scrum Master, Train-the-Trainer and Program/Project Manager. She is a Microsoft® Partner as a freelance instructional designer and trainer and has many Microsoft®Technologies and Office Products certifications. She continually pours her passion for helping others and is gifted to mentor and guide others in soft skills. She is the owner of Easy Steps Learning, authored several books, taught at the North America MCT (Microsoft® Certified Trainer) Summit and founder of the Easy Steps Learning Series®.
History of Learning Trends Analysis on the History of Learning Trends ! Instructional Design started around World War I. Malcolm Knowles pioneer of Adult Learning (Andragogy) is similar in theory to Constructivism. Early contributor B. F. Skinner of research of programmed Instructional Materials. Early Contributor Benjamin Bloom development of the taxonomy of educational objectives. In the 1970s the ADDIE model was evolve. 1978 the Dick and Carey introduce the ID model. Around the 1980s Instruction design had minimal impact in public schools. In the 1990's more developments and analysis of Instructional design and E-Learning. In the 2000's Knowledge management came on the scene and affected the approach to Instructional design. Current trends have become more complex as evolving online and e-Learning technology has impacted how we instruct and collaborate on a global level.
Paula's Philosophy on Learning The student centered learning opens new ideas for more creative ways to strategized to improve the instructional design, materials and implement changes for a great learning environment. The Constructivism theory – the component of this principle enables the learner to be an active participant. Kolb’s model describes learning as, “the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” The Connectivism theory – is a combination of constructivism and meta-learning: focus on the learner’s pursuing of exchanging ideas and actively learn among peers. The learner’s behavior can influence the cognitive load of the information they are learning. When a learner is self-regulated it improves goal setting, self-discipline, relationship skills and drawing from ones’ think tank could make the student learning better.
Cited Research Sources (Paula's Philosophy on Learning): Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Maudsley, D.B. (1979). A Theory of Meta-Learning and Principles of Facilitation: An Organismic Perspective. University of Toronto, 1979. (40, 8,4354-4355-A) Piaget, Jean. (1950). The Psychology of Intelligence. New York: Routledge. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
TAKEAWAY INSPIRE ACTION What do you want them to learn? Get them excited about what they are learning. ACTION Build your Instructional Design with purpose! Combine an image and multiple key statements with a strong grid.
"Reach the unthinkable and be the unbelievable." —by Author, Paula L. Smith
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