The Cold War: Superpowers Face Off
YALTA Conference THE “BIG 3”: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin February 1945: Allied leaders discuss the future of the world Secret Agreement between Roosevelt (USA) and Stalin (USSR) for Soviet assistance in invasion of Japan Agreement to set up a United Nations which would have an inaugural meeting in San Francisco at the end of 1945 Agreement over the post-war division of Germany Agreement over post-war fate of Nazi occupied territory (Europe)
POTSDAM July 1945 Stalin is the only leader left from the start of WWII. Truman in U.S., Clement Atlee in Great Britain. Discussions about the post war world, With emphasis on democratic governments in Europe.
The War Ends The Nazi government in Germany officially surrenders V-E Day is officially recognized as May 8, 1945.
Jewish Holocaust deaths Country Military deaths Civilian deaths Jewish Holocaust deaths Total deaths Deaths per 1,000 population Soviet Union 10 million 11.5 million 1 million 23 million 137.1 Germany 5.5 million 1.8 mil 160,000 7.5 mil 108.2 France 212,000 267,000 83,000 562,000 13.5 United Kingdom 307,700 61,700 369,400 7.7 United States 407,300 11,200 418,500 3.2 Japan 1.9 million 700,000 2.6 million 36.1 China 4 million 6 million 18.9 Poland 400,000 2.2 mil 3 million 5.6 million 160.9 42 OTHER NATIONS 2.2 million 9.2 million 1.5 mil 11 million Totals 25 million 31.5 million 5.75 mil 62 million 31.6
STALINS BETRAYAL Stalin goes back on the agreement to have democratic, independent European countries. Instead, he Incorporated conquered lands into the Russian “Sphere of Influence”.
Control of Germany USSR agrees to split Berlin (in East Germany) into 4 sections: Russian (East ½) American, French, British (West ½) Germany & Austria in general are controlled by USA, USSR, GB, FR
Divided German, Berlin and the Berlin Wall
Berlin Airlift, 1949
U.S. Combats Communism w/ Mutual Aid Agreements NATO North Atlantic Treaty Org. SEATO South East Asian Treaty Org. More . . . U.S.S.R. Counters U.S. Actions Warsaw Pact Rolling tanks in to Czechoslovakia Supports Communist Revolution in Cuba
The “Third” World- A description for developing nations, often newly independent and not aligned with any of the Cold War superpowers. Latin America Asia Africa These countries often dealt with poverty and political instability. What are the “First” and “Second” Worlds?
Providing Intelligence Cold War Strategies Revolution Liberation Counter Revolution Through the use of the KGB, CIA and other intelligence services, the superpowers would manipulate the above through support of particular groups in 3rd World countries. Providing Weapons Providing Training Providing Intelligence
Cuban Revolution- The U. S. had a long history of dealing with Cuba Cuban Revolution- The U.S. had a long history of dealing with Cuba. Involved protectorship and support of corrupt dictators like Fulgencio Batista. Fidel Castro- Supported by the Soviet Union. Eventually overthrew Batista in 1959. Instituted a communist regime opposed to the United States.
Berlin Wall- The wall separated East Germany from West Germany for more than a quarter-century, from the day construction began on 13 August 1961 until the Wall was opened on November 9, 1989. During this period, at least 98 people were confirmed killed trying to cross the Wall into West Berlin, according to official figures. However, a prominent victims' group claims that more than 200 people were killed trying to flee from East to West Berlin.
Space Race- Cold War competition extended to space, with the Soviet Union launching Sputnik in 1957. President Kennedy challenged the U.S. to put a human on the moon within 10 years. Sputnik Apollo lunar landing, 1969 Yuri Gagarin, first human in space
Nuclear Proliferation- The rapid increase in production of nuclear missiles by both sides, well beyond the amount needed to destroy the world. SALT Conference ICBM’s Star Wars
Iranian Revolution- The United States supported the rule of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi for many years. Security of Persian Gulf oil. Islamic Revolution 1979- Led by Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, this was a a rebellion against western influence and a desire to instill Muslim fundamentalism.
Afghanistan- Mostly independent for many years, the ruling communist party was threatened by a Muslim revolt. The neighboring Soviet Union invaded in 1979 to support the government. United States supplied weapons to the mujahideen (Muslim rebels), eventually forcing the Soviet Union out.
Nicaragua- The U.S. supported a corrupt dictator (Anastasio Samoza) in Nicaragua. A popular, communist revolution, supported by the Soviet Union, won in 1979. “Contras”- The U.S. supported a counter-revolutionary group that fought a civil war in Nicaragua for nearly 10 years. Free elections in 1990. Daniel Ortega Ronald Reagan Anastasio Samoza
Détente- A period of lessening Cold War tensions that started with Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev. Efforts increased in regards to nuclear disarmament and peaceful interchange.
Reagan Abandons Détente- Through support of counterrevolution and Star Wars, Reagan takes a hard line with the Soviet Union. Competition becomes more economic, which the Soviet Union could not keep up with.
Soviet Union Collapses- Not everyone in the Soviet Union was happy with Gorbachev’s reforms. Hard line communists attempted a coup (1991), which was put down by demonstrations, with the help of Boris Yeltsin. The Communist Party collapsed as a result.
Russian Republic is formed, and Boris Yeltsin is elected president Russian Republic is formed, and Boris Yeltsin is elected president. All other Soviet countries are on their own. Control of Eastern Europe is abandoned, resulting in many new republics.