The Mongols Invade Japan March 31st, 2017
Review… Genghis Khan unifies Mongol clans and becomes their ruthless leader Begins taking power over many countries in Asia and Europe Kills 40 million people- 1/10 of the world population
Soon, the Mongols control the largest empire the World had ever seen Kublai Khan, Genghis’ grandson, is now in power and expands the Mongol Empire even more Like his grandfather, Kublai Khan wants to conquer even more land
Kublai Khan wants Japan!
Early in Kublai Khan’s reign, he takes over all of China and Korea Hungry for more, he decides to take over Japan Demands them to pay tribute to his dynasty They ignore his request several times
After several attempts to take over Japan (of which the Japanese Emperor and Shogun’s ignoring every single time), the Mongols decide to wage war to take control of the country
Leaving from Korea in 1274, the Mongol army tries to attack Japan for the first time After a few days of fighting, the Mongol general is killed and the Mongols instantly leave out of fear On the way back to Korea, a storm begins to happen and eventually kills 7,000 men- 1/3 of the army they originally had
7 years later, the Mongols decide to attack Japan again- this time with a larger army (140,000!) In this time, the Japanese built many walls to block the Mongols out Days of battles goes by, but then a terrible storm happens…
The “Divine Wind”… or “kamikaze” The “Divine Wind”… or “kamikaze”!! A typhoon kills 100,000 Mongol soldiers 72 out of every 100 Mongol soldiers die at sea
How do you think the Mongols felt after this happened How do you think the Mongols felt after this happened? What about the Japanese?
This devastating defeat marks the end of major Mongol conquests Japanese nationalism soars
Any questions?
Now, you are going to draw a comic book of these epic events…
This is an individual assignment. You will be graded on: 1. Neatness 2 This is an individual assignment. You will be graded on: 1. Neatness 2. Accurate information 3. Color This will be worth 25 points