Frames How to make a page that uses frames
Preview There used to be a time that frames were frowned upon because most browsers did not support them Nowadays most browser do support frames without problems Therefore, unless you think your web audience is using really old browsers, using frames shouldnt be a problem
First Step First you need to make a basic web page However, this time instead of having the tags replace them with tags ….
Defining Rows/Columns You can then define how many rows or columns you want to start with The numbers represent widths in pixels, the * at the end means that the last row/column should fill the rest of the window …. ….
Frameset Attributes Other attributes you can use in the FRAMESET tag are: FRAMEBORDER= –yes or no fit between the quotes BORDER= –define the width of the frameset with numbers in pixels BORDERCOLOR=# –define a hex-numbered color FRAMESPACING= –define the spacing between frames
Defining a Frame Now between the FRAMESET tag you define your FRAME Attributes are: –NAME –SRC (what page to load initially) –MARGINWIDTH= –MARGINHEIGHT= –SCROLLING=YES|NO|AUTO –NORESIZE –FRAMEBORDER=YES|NO –BORDERCOLOR=#rrggbb Example:
Nesting Frames You can nest a frameset inside a frame to get alternating row and column type frames
Linking Frames To link to one frame to another you simply target to the frame name in the link For example: –in the menu.html file I would have a link to main.htm target=main This will open in the main window